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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 33

David POV

I watched my baby sleeping and I cover her body with bedsheets.i walk to my study room I have a conference room and I can't cancel it.

I open the the laptop and start working immediately after 40 minute my PA called to inform me of my meeting and I hung up and start the meeting it was 2hours when we finished.

I had my phone ringing and it's was my friend , Ann Jones we have been friends since we're kid she went to London when we finished high school. we have been communicating since then and when I go to London for business, we see eachother,I know she likes more than a friend but I only see her us a sister. she is coming to New York for business and am happy she coming in a week. she wants to see me, I ask her to come to my office when she arrives in New York. after I was done talking to her. I went back to my room, I want to check on my wife if she is awake.

I open the door and she's awake, I walk close to her and talk to her and she is avoiding me , she left the room I was confused.what happened to her did I do something to her, I have to find out what is going on with her , I went downstairs to talk to her but she doesn't want to tell me what wrong with her. we have our dinner in silent , I was watching her eat, she finished before me and left the table. I finished my food and went back to our room . I wanted to talk to her but she said she is tired and want to sleep. I left the room and he'd back to my study room to finish some files . after 1hour I went back to the bedroom and take shower and wear my PJ.

I climbed up to the bed, pull my wife close and hold her waist and sleep.

in the morning I wake up and she is not in the room I slipped out of the bed and went to the bathroom and freshen up I lap towel and walk to my closet I take a black suit white shirt and tie, I quickly get dressed and walk out of my room it's already 8am I sit down in the dinning room and the maid service me my breakfast, I called uncle Victor and ask him where is my wife and he told me she left to the office,

I got upset and walk out of the house ,my driver waiting for me outside open the door for me and uncle Victor put my laptop bag in the car .

to Ethan office I said to the driver. yes sir.

I reached his office and step down from the car , wait here am coming back.

with that I walked into the elevator and press the button, I step out of the elevator and walk to the office , I see her working I grabbed her hands and open Ethan office . I walk inside and he was surprised to see me .

Ethan please excuse us .

he ask me if everything is alright and I nodded my head.

he stand up and went out of the office.

I look at my wife who look worried.


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