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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 35

David POV

IT been 1 weeks since that day I have been avoiding her us well, I come late when she is a sleep,I always hug her to sleep and wake up before her.

I want her to tell me what is wrong with with her .

so I decided to give her time.

it been difficult to stay away from her but I want know what I did to her .

am in my office when Anna came to my office I stand up and she hugged me and kiss me in my lips I was about to push her when I had someone opening the door Liam said miss Anderson is here to see me I was shocked to see her looking at me with shock before I could say anything she turned around and left I push Anna and I tried to reach her but she was already gone I tried looking around but I couldn't find her anywhere, I went back to my office and Anna was still standing there .

David who was that slut?

I slapped her face and drugged her out of my office and close the door,I look for my phone and I called her and the phone was off shit!!!

Liam cancel all my meeting from today and don't ever let Anna in this building again!

yes sir.

I walk out of the building and got in the car and drove back at her office and she was not there,I went back home and she was not there I got worried I tried calling her again but the phone was still off.shit what have I done.

I drive to Emma house and I nock the door.

Emma is my wife here?

Emma....no I haven't seen her since the day you guys left the house.

what wrong did you guys have fight?

she saw me kissing a woman when I finished talking she slapped me in my face I was so shocked know one have ever dare to slap me.


do you know who y......

she cut me off.


you don't know what you have done Sarah have some problems handling shock, she gets attack when she's shook and can't breathe .



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