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My One-month Marriage With Mr. Hawkins novel Chapter 7

She was nervous and moved backward, “Mr. Hawkins, our relationship is only based on an agreement.”

“Relax. I have no interest in you. If you nag some more, I’ll personally throw you into the bathroom.” Ernest ran out of patience and walked towards Florence.

No interest? Then why did he grind his hand on her body just now and now he was forcing her to take a shower…

But when she saw his large body approaching, Florence became flustered and jumped down the bed.

“I, I’ll go by myself.” She said as she rushed into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She leaned against the door and heaved a sigh of relief but her heartbeat continued to race. Ernest was so weird tonight that she didn’t even dare to go out to face him.

But he was waiting for her outside…

Florence scratched her hair anxiously. What was she going to do tonight?

“Knock, knock, knock.” There was knocking on the room door from outside.

Ernest sat on the sofa and didn’t even look up, “Enter.”

Timothy opened the door and heard the showering water. He was stunned and was in disbelief. Mr. Hawkins had always been very hygienic and did not like women to be too close to him. How did he allow Florence to take a shower here?

But he quickly composed himself and walked formally towards Ernest.

“Sir, there is a situation that requires your attention.” Timothy wouldn’t look for him at such a place if it wasn’t an urgent matter. Ernest was silent for several seconds before he stood up and looked at the bathroom.

He yelled with a tone of ordering her, “Florence, wait in the room for me!”

Ernest was leaving? Florence became excited and quickly replied, “Okay!”

Thereafter, she heard footsteps walking outside, and then the door was closed before she walked out of the bathroom and towards the door.

She carefully and slightly opened the door to look outside. The corridor was empty and she rushed outside in relief. As soon as Florence went downstairs, she saw Phoebe who was about to drive off in her car.

“Phoebe, wait for me.” Florence ran over, opened the front passenger seat, and sat into the car.

Phoebe looked in surprise at her, “Why did you come down? You were carried away by Mr. Hawkins and nothing happened?”

Florence blushed when she thought about the intimacy she had with Ernest in the room.

She said, “What could have happened? Our relationship is only based on a simple agreement.”

“Really nothing? Then why is your face red?” Phoebe looked doubtfully at Florence and then looked at her from head to toe.

Florence became uneasy from the close inspection and wound down the car window and said, “The weather is so warm today. Quickly drive and send me home.”

“Woah, you can really change the topic,” Phoebe said it like it was, started the car, and drove off.

She didn’t continue to question but said, “How is your design? Tomorrow is the submission of the draft. Do you need my help?”


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