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My Paranoid Lover (Lance Mason) novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

After I finished all the food, I felt sleepy.

But I didn’t dare to fall asleep because I didn’t know what Lance Mason would do to me.

After he finished his breakfast, he started to drive.

The car fell into silence.

He stopped at a service centre after driving for hours. I thought he wanted to use a washroom.

He came to my side of the door and opened my door.

“Go and use a washroom. You shouldn’t be holding it.”

My face turned red and said, “Who said I was holding it?”

“You drank a bowl of soup and a  bottle of juice.” He explained.

He was about to help me out of the seatbelt when I said, “Don’t touch me, will do it myself.”

I got out of the car and walked towards the washroom, Lance Mason walking behind me.

“Why are you following me?”| asked.

“I want to use the washroom.” He said and walked into the washroom.

I was going to wash my hands after I was done but I saw two women looking at me. And I didn’t feel good about that. So, I quickly rushed out of the washroom.

Suddenly one of the women held my shoulder and another one held a cloth against my nose and mouth. I held my breath and tried to get out of their

They have strong arms and they dragged me into a small room in the washroom.

“Help!” I shouted.

Taccidentally inhale the clothes in my mouth and nose when I shout. And my knees gave up on me.


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