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My Paranoid Lover (Lance Mason) novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Fainted 

Chapter 16 Fainted

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Lance looked at me coughing like mad, tears forming. He grinned and threw his cigar in the ash tray.

He grabbed my chin and raised my head. “Sick right? You are really pale, what’s your sickness?”

I pushed his hands way, holding myself up on the desk and continue coughing. The smell of the smoke really wanted my life.

“I think you just miss someone very badly.” Lance sat one his leather chair and put both his legs on the desk, saying.

I ignored him, trying to stand up. Then, I caught a glimpse of the Lay Water Park project file.

Lay Water Park was the biggest project ever in California. The government was preparing for the project, the budget was one hundred million. I estimated that the total share market would be worth one billion dollars.

I didn’t dare stare at the project for too long as I was afraid that Lance would notice. I stood up and looked at him. “I was bitten by a dog and went to the hospital to get myself cleaned up and get rid of the virus.”

Lance didn’t get what I meant and asked win confusion: “You really got bitten by a



In the afternoon, Lawrence brought me along to the cite to have a look. We improved the sketch again and again, since this was a huge project, it needed to me improved many times for it to be perfect.

Lawrence drove his car, but he noticed my pale face and slowed down.

I leaded against the seat, closing my eyes to rest.

“Jennie, can I ask you something?” Lawrence spoke up out of a sudden.

I opened my eyes and smiled at him. “Yes?”

Lawrence hesitated for a brief moment and finally asked: “What’s your relationship with boss? Why is he always trying to make your life hard?”

I laughed. “It’s not like he does it on purpose, I guess je’s just used to it.”


Lawrence didn’t understand and asked: “What do you mean by he is used to it?”

I scoffed. “Wow, you can see that, let’s just say we are enemies. It’s hard to explain but just so we are clear, Lance and I are not in any kind of relationship that you are suspicious of.”

I didn’t want to explain further, so Lawrence didn’t ask anymore.

We reached the factory and tried to change the sketch here and there again. We discussed the important things, as first it was Lawrence doing the talking. I didn’t want to say much as I wasn’t good in this area.

We still had some improving to do but I couldn’t take it anymore. My vision became black suddenly


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