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My Paranoid Lover (Lance Mason) novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Stranger’s Message

I thought my mom called to wish me birthday, but no she didn’t. I was a little disappointed. But I not too upset, she had been infatuated with Uncle Mason since 20 years ago

My mom used to be a very gorgeous woman when she was young, but even now, near 50 years old, she still looked stunning, but she’s getting older. For a man like Uncle Mason, rich and not even 60 yet, I knew one day like this would come. He must have gotten sick of my mom and wanted a new younger lady.

I didn’t know what to say to mom.

Mom got a little annoyed at my silence and asked: “Jennie, did you hear me? What should I do?”

I sighed and answered: “Yes, but what are you going to do?”

Mom started crying like a child. I was speechless. “Mom, since he wants another woman, leave him!”

She cried even harder at my words. “I can’t leave him like that!”

“Mom, you said it yourself, he has a new woman out there? What’s the point of staying? You want to wait until they chase you out?” I tried to reason with her.

She continued sobbing. “Your Uncle Mason, he…… he chased me out already, he wants to marry that little b*tch!”

I told mom to leave the Mason’s and come stay with me, but she cried and said no, she couldn’t live without him.

“Then tell me how I can help. Stop crying and stop being so naïve. You are going to be 50 soon, you should stop all your naïve thoughts.” I sighed. I really didn’t know what to do. My mom was acting like a child.

I didn’t want to burst my mom’s bubble but she needed to be clear about the situation.

Perhaps my attitude angered her, she suddenly yelled like a mad woman:“Jennie, is this how you speak to your mother? If not for me, do you think you could live a life as luxurious as you haveYou were treated like a young mistress!”

Young mistress? I nearly scoffed out loud.

If she wasn’t my mom, I would have hung her up.


Chapter 24 Stranger’s Message

“Mom, I was clear enough. I can’t do anything for you. You can only come stay with me and I’ll take care of you.” I sighed once again, hoping that mom would understand.

Mom got even more triggered and screamed: “If you don’t help me stay in the family and get rid of that woman, I’ll go and die!”

I couldn’t believe my own ears, why is my mom so……

“Mom, who do you think I am? Do you think I can stop Uncle Mason from marrying any woman?” I argued.

In the middle of the night, someone kept ringing my door bell. I got out of the bed and go to the door. I was Wendy.


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