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My Paranoid Lover (Lance Mason) novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Hometown 

This bus will stop at the train station. I got down when it reached the train station and bought a ticket back to the place where I was born, for the first time in nearly 20 years, I’m finally going back.

In the middle of my journey back, Lance called again, and I ignored him still. I was going back to see the only person that has ever loved me sincerely in this world.

I didn’t want any disturbance from the world.

Looking out of the window, I stared at the scenery with no feelings, no nostalgia, no emotions.

I arrived after some time. It was still the same old place, not developed and looks poor.

When I arrived, a few kids saw me on their way back home from school and gave me weird looks. This is a small village near the countryside, everyone knows each other around here. I left this place so long ago, it was only normal if they see me as a stranger.

I took out some candies from my purse and asked, “Do you want some sweets?”

They were well educated children and didn’t accept candies from strangers.

Using my memory, I slowly look for my father’s house, which is now my grandparents’ house, since he passed away

I found the house and stood outside for a long time, I didn’t know if I should go in.

Just when I was about to leave, an old lady with white hair came out of the house, She stared at me for a long time and widened her eyesAre you Jennie?”

I didn’t expect her to still be able to recognize me after all these years, plus I looked completely different.

I nodded my head and said, “Yea it’s me, how’s your body?”

I remembered how cruel she was to me when I was little, father was still alive that time. I don’t think I have ever called her ‘grandma’.

The old lady came to me and took my hands, she led me into her house and said, “Look at you, all grown up! Time flies…..

I didn’t see grandpa around then I looked around the house and saw two photos on the cabinet, it was my father’s and my grandpa’s. Then I realized grandpa passed away too. Suddenly, my hatred for him and grandma seemed to disappear.

Grandma pulled my hands and led me into the kitchen. she continued cooking and said, ” I wanted to go to the city to see you, but I don’t know anything, so I wasn’t able to leave the countryside.”

She sighed and said, “Your grandpa died last year, before his last breath, he said that we owe it to you. When your mom took you with her, we were always worried if she would treat you badly. But whenever both of us see you, we were always reminded of your mother so we didn’t try to make you stay.”

We are all pitiful people, I guess.


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