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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 80


'Hey! Do you even know where you are running off to?' I couldn't help but ask for the umpteenth time.

'Of course, I know. I can... I mean your witch powers can smell another witch from miles. And I am gonna use them to locate that dirty witch who has my mate.' Carla replied.

'It's our mate.' I said, annoyed before sitting back leisurely.

Now I know how bad Carla must've felt all this time when she had to live inside me without coming out. It feels like I am watching a movie where someone else is controlling my body, and I am just a side character.

'It won't take long. Don't worry, I am not planning to take over your body completely. You still have those witch powers that stop me whenever I try to take control. Luckily you used your energy when healing Rosaline, and that's the sole reason why they allowed me to take over the body. However, it won't be the case for long.' Carla mumbled at the end, confusing me a bit. 

However, since there are things that are still out of my understanding range, I didn't ask her any further, knowing very well that it will put more pressure on my mind.

It wasn't long before we entered a clearing. 

At some distance I saw a person sitting, or should I say floating above a large rock in a sitting position.

"Looks like the protagonist of the events has arrived." That person said before standing.

"Looks like one of the most insignificant villains of my life is here." Carla retorted while smirking at him daringly.

As he moved, I couldn't help but try to look at his face inside the hoodie that he was wearing.

"Insignificant or significant, you'll come to know when you'll get to know what I am planning to do next." That person or the witch said, moving closer to us, and I couldn't help but gasp when I looked at his face.

"Uncle Rick?" I gasped, which made him smile even more than he already was.

"My dear niece, you never loved me since the beginning, no? First, your parents didn't let me meet you and treat you to meals so that I could show you my affections, then that old lady Azrael stopped me, and now you have this centuries year old wolf stopping me from having you and showcase you how much I care about you. Heck, you don't even know my full name." My uncle Rick said, making me look at him in confusion.

What is he talking about?

"If her parents didn't let you meet her, or if Azrael stopped you, then there must be a reason behind it. You surely have bad intentions towards Victoria, or why would you help Robert in the name of you wanting this human girl, when you very well knew that she isn't a human." Carla said, making him laugh at her menacingly.

"Victoria, do you have the same thoughts as her?" Uncle Rick asked me, and I couldn't help but think about what they both said just now.

Uncle Rick was indeed right. Whenever he would come around me, my parents won't let me meet him or get acquainted with him. I never understood why they did that, because from what I remember, uncle Rick has always helped me.

There was this one time when I was being bullied by a couple of girls in a dark alley, and he had come to rescue me. Though, after that, I never had a friend, but at least I was saved from their bullying.

Then after that one day when my powers might've reacted because I fainted in the middle of the forest unexpectedly, it was him who had found me and had taken me home. But as soon as my parents saw that it was him, they immediately ushered him out and even warned me to never talk to this guy because he was bad news.

"Carla is right. There sure must be a reason." I said through the mind link after a long pause, knowing very well that he as a witch can listen to me.

"Well, you have become more intelligent since I last met you. Tell me, is that your witch powers who are affecting your decisions or this wolf?" He asked, making my eyes go wide.


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