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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate (Lila) novel Chapter 210

Third Person POV

Jazzy looked herself over in the mirror that sat above her vanity. She brushed her slender fingers through her long, curly dark locks of hair, allowing it to fall back in place around her narrow features. She’s always been told she was pretty, and it wasn’t until recently that she started to feel as if she truly was.

Growing up she had always been told that shifters were the enemy. She didn’t know how true that was until a shifter killed her parents. This shifter happened to be a Volana wolf.

She was only 10 years old at the time and her sister was 20 years old. Since then, it’s just been Jazzy and her sister.

Until it wasn’t.

Her sister betrayed her trust and befriended a wolf; but not just any wolf… a Volana wolf. The most powerful of the wolf clan and the vein of Jazzy’s existence.

Jazzy hasn’t seen eye-to-eye with her sister in a long time. But since her sister befriended the very breed that took their parents away, she despised her sister more than anything.

She moved to Starcove and started a new life with witches and other sorcerers who understood her. She studied the art of dark magic and throughout the many centuries she’s been alive, she became one of the best dark witches to ever exist.

Her coven and all Starcove belong to her, and she will never allow anyone to take what is hers.

Not again.

A prophet had come to her from one of her elder witches stating that a Volana she-wolf will rise from the product of love and become the most powerful Volana to ever exist. She will be the rise of the Volana population and restore the nation.

The thought of a Volana wolf that powerful walking these lands royally pissed Jazzy off. They didn’t deserve to live in this world after the torment they had caused throughout the centuries.

She needs to find out who this Volana is and put an end to her. But the only way to get rid of this wolf is to drain her of everything she is and then end her miserable little life.

Jazzy met Paul when he came to her seeking a favor. Everybody in the world knows of the dark witch so she wasn’t surprised when she was seeked out. But she was amazed that Paul, being a wolf, had enough balls to come to Starcove knowing that it’s made of witches that don’t particularly welcome wolves with open arms. But Paul walked through like he owned the goddamn place and found Jazzy in her witchery shop.

“You reek of mutt,” Jazzy pointed out, curling her top lip as she stared at Paul’s disgusting dog-like face. Even in his human form, he looked like a dog. His stench alone made her want to throw up.

“Are you the dark witch, Jasmine?” Paul asked, ignoring her insult.

She narrowed her emerald eyes at him.

“Who wants to know?” She asked, giving him no signs of emotions.

“The name is Paul; I was the Delta of the Calypso pack, just north of here,” he explained.

Jazzy had heard of the Calypso pack and the fall of their leader; seeing the third in command standing before her was surprising to her.

“I thought you would have been dead like the rest,” Jazzy said through her teeth.

“I fled with some others,” he admitted. “I’ve been for the past year, waiting for things to calm down so I can return to take over as Alpha. That title belonged to me, but it was taken by someone who doesn’t even belong to our pack. Someone who lived his life as a rogue. He’s not even old enough to take over yet.”

“Then why not just take it?” She asked, folding her arms across her chest. “Surely it can’t be difficult if he’s just a kid.”

“He has a lot of warriors on his side. I’m afraid I don’t have much of anything and I don’t have a chance against them on my own,” he said. “I’ve been in hiding for so long that I don’t have an army or anyone on my side.”

“And you still feel you deserve to be Alpha of that pack?” Jazzy asked, slightly amused now. “After you fled for the past year? What makes you so deserving?”

“I did everything for that pack for years. I fled to save my own life. Our old Alpha was the reason for the fall, and I wasn’t going to go down with him and his beta. I did what I could to survive, but I’m back now…” he paused for a moment, and Jazzy waited for him to continue. “I returned to the pack, and they banished me.”

“Banished you?” Jazzy asked, raising her perfectly trimmed brows. “You’re a rogue now?”

Shame crossed Paul’s face, but he nodded his head once.

“How delicious,” Jazzy smirked, leaning across her counter in a cat-like pose. “So, tell me, Rogue. What do you want from me?”

“I want your help to get rid of this new Alpha and make them see me as their new Alpha,” he finally said in one breath.

This made Jazzy laugh.


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