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My Second Chance novel Chapter 15

Sapphire's P.O.V

I side stepped each of her attacks easily. A smirk formed on my lips as beads of sweat started to trickle down her face. The astonished faces of the people in the crowd also helped my amusement.

We have already been fighting nonstop for 25 minutes. Even for werewolves, it should already tire us.

I haven't made any moves to punch her and she didn't get any on me. I'm just waiting for her to tire herself out and stop instead of one of us being unconscious. Punch her, show her who she's dealing with, Drew growled in annoyance of the lack of violence. Yeah, this is getting boring, Gwen grumbled. Oh, so you guys finally agree on something? I asked sarcastically. Shut up, Gwen mumbled. Fine, this is getting nowhere, I mumbled and aimed a punch for specifically nowhere.

"Owww!" Jennifer protested as my fist somehow landed on her shoulder. But the innocent stupid me let the guilty weigh me down.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." I gasped. "Bitch." She growled and used the chance to punch me in the gut. I doubled over in pain as all the air available in my lungs left my chest due to the punch. Okay, this girl has one strong punch. "Sapph!" I heard someone yelled my name. I started to see black spots and my vision blurred.

Here, Drew said and an undeniably strong energy coursed through me. I instantly felt better and the pain left my stomach completely.

"You are going to pay for that." I snarled as soon as I recovered. "Prove it." Jennifer growled back. "Oh I will." I smirked in confidence. I don't care that the dark side of me was surfacing a little, all I want right now is to finish this fight. And by the stupid rule Ryder set, someone has to be unconscious for it to stop.

She aimed a punch for my cheek. I dodged and returned a punch to her gut. She somehow blocked it and aimed another punch for my gut. I snickered mentally. I side stepped and punched her shoulder. She groaned in pain. A gasp escaped the crowd. I saw Ryder looked at me with worry out of the corner of my eye. I threw him a flirty wink and smile before returning to the problem. She growled and tried to kick my knees. I smirked and did a backflip, going over her head. A few people looked at me in astonishment while some looked at me in awe. Suck that, bitches! Drew yelled. She wobbled as I gave the back of her knees a swift kick. She buckled and I leapt onto her back, straddling her.

"Give up." I growled. "Never. A member of the Dark Moon Pack never gives up." She gritted. I have to admit, I look up to her strong will.


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