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My Second Chance novel Chapter 29

Sapphire's P.O.V

"Kick, punch, dodge left." I instructed as I threw punches at Clover. She dodged my attacks as I instructed, a grin on her face. She threw a punch to my stomach, a move I've already anticipated. I blocked her punch with my arm. My other arm wrapped around her other arm and flipped her. Clover hit the ground with a thud.

"That was..." She trailed off panting, still lying on the leafy ground. "Awesome?" I grinned, looking down at her. "No... Tiring. We've been training for hours, how can you still be so energetic?" She grumbled. She stood up shakily and dusted her clothes. "Cause I'm awesome." I sang. Clover gave me a flat look. "Did you just sing a line from Cause I'm Awesome by The Dollyrats?" She raised an eyebrow. "Maybe and maybe not." I grinned. The redheaded rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, let's get back to training. I'm surprised Cole entrusted you with me." I said, smoothing my messed up hair. She looked at me as I was crazy. "Are you kidding me?! You still want to continue training? Isn't 6 hours enough for you?!" She asked incredulously. I shrugged and gave her a sheepish smile.

"We're done today. Let's just go back and relax. Come on slow coach!" Clover yelled, running down the path that would lead us to the pack house. I gave in to my best friend's pleads and followed her slowly. She was soon out of my sight. I kept on walking slowly, admiring the beauty of nature.

I felt a pricking feeling behind my neck. I instantly turned around in a defensive stance. It felt so similar to the feeling I felt yesterday when I got the note.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around and immediately forced the person into a headlock with my demon strength. It was just then I recognized the person. "Sapphire." The person groaned.

"Oh. Cole." I smiled sheepishly. "Yes. It's me. What the hell was that?" He grumbled. I smelt a musty smell coming from him. Where's Cole's original scent? He's grip on my hand tightened, but not enough to hurt me. "I don't know. I just felt... umm... uneasy I guess." I shrugged, not telling him the truth in case he goes around being a blabber mouth and tell Ryder about it. Then Ryder would go all Alpha shit on me.

"Oh. I see." He smiled. I smiled back, the uneasiness still in the pit of my stomach. There's something wrong. Let's go, Drew warned. Yeah, something's wrong with Cole, Gwen furrowed her eyebrows. I ignored them. "So, what are you doing here?" I asked, making a conversation. "The Alpha was worried about you and sent me to check on you." He muttered. I sense no lies, Drew confirmed. "Tell Ryder to calm his tits." I chuckled. Cole didn't laugh but he just smiled eerily. Okay, something's really wrong. Cole usually laughs at your comments about Ryder, Gwen frowned. Okay, Sapph, don't panic. Find a conversation gap and get your ass out off here, Drew said slowly. Why? I raised an eyebrow. Again, don't panic. But I think he isn't a werewolf, Drew growled. I widened my eyes in panic.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked. I looked into his eyes and saw a cold stone wall. This isn't Cole. I would've seen panic or some kind of emotion in his eyes if he asked me a question like that. "I'm fine. I just need to go. Clover's waiting for me." I said, hiding the fear I felt right now. "Okay. I'll see you later?" He asked, his tone full of promises. Promises I don't think I would like. I didn't dare say definately. I was sure that he isn't Cole. "Maybe." I forced out a smile. He nodded and walked to the different direction of the pack house. I pretended to not notice anything and walked quickly down the path Clover took.

"Hey. What took you so long?" Clover asked, walking towards me. "I thought you reached already." I raised an eyebrow, trying to act normal as if nothing happened before. "Nah. I came back halfway, seeing that you disappeared suddenly." She grinned, shoving me lightly. "Thanks." I forced out a smile. We walked slowly towards the direction of the pack house in silence. "Okay, spill. Tell me what happened." She demanded suddenly, stopping in her tracks.

"What?" I feigned innocence. I must have overdone it because Clover rolled her eyes and gave me a pointed look.

"You are never silent for so long. Tell me what happened while I was gone." She growled in a warning tone. I turned away from her and walked quickly down the path. "Let's just talk at the house okay?" I mumbled. I stopped in my tracks as I heard a familiar whimper. I turned to see Clover curled into a ball on the floor.

"Clover?" I called hesitantly. She let out another whimper. "Clover, what's wrong?" I rushed to her side as she gripped my hand tightly. "Clover. Answer me." I growled, panic slowly taking over me. "It hurts Sapph. It fudgin hurts." Clover groaned in pain. She's transforming, Drew snapped.

My eyes widened at the sound of bones cracking and they snapped to Clover's pain filled ones.

"Sapph!" She moaned as her bones cracked slowly to their place. She's not gonna make it! Drew and Gwen yelled in unison. I didn't have time to make fun of it...because I could see Clover's life essence slipping away from her body. It's like I could see another Clover in Clover and she was getting fainter and fainter. No doubt another demon ability. "Clover, keep your eyes open you hear me?! Clover!" I yelled, desperate tears to keep her concious brimming my eyes. "Sapph, why.. why.." She asked exhausted. "What? Clover, stop talking and ask me later." I snapped, at the verge of tears of not knowing what to do. "Why... I see... red glow.." She said exhausted. "Clover, if you fucking say another word, I will castrate you." I growled warningly.

"I..." She howled in pain. "Clover, stay with me!" I sobbed. Then, something took over me. It was like my hands did it without needing to be told. It's like my concious knew what to do. I placed two hands on her chest firmly and then I closed my eyes, concentrating on all the energy available in my body. I felt myself drain little by little after a while, energy flowing into my best friend slowly. I opened my eyes to see swirls of red energy sinking into Clover. So pretty... Tendrils of red swirled near my hands. I was so mesmerised by the occasional sparks that would erupt from my hands that I've forgotten about the energy flowing out of me. Stop! Before you drain yourself, Sapphire! Gwen's voice snapped me out of my trance and I snatched my hands away.

Clover sat up and got down on all fours. She looked at me in confusion at the energy I've just managed to give her. Note that normal werewolves can't do that. "How-" Before she could finish, a howe escaped her mouth. White snowy fur grew on her pale skin. Her eyes flashed into a colour of both silver and her original brown. She was soon standing on her four paws and staring at me intently. As I stepped closer to her, a loud growl erupted from her throat. I stepped back scared at the sudden burst.

Don't step.closer Sapph, she can sense me, Drew warned. How? I gulped. She is a white wolf by nature, which makeshould her senses sensitive, not as much as us of course. But we just gave her energy from us. She can sense us that way, Drew growled and Gwen gulped. Not to mention that I've no idea how you unlocked that ability yet, it's suppose to happen only after your Changing, Drew muttered. I would have wanted to ask her about it, but I couldn't. Because at that same time, Clover leaped at me, jaws snapping and claws extended. I rolled out of the way just in the nick of time. A minute later and I would've been wolf food, something Clover would regret when her mind clears.

Another loud growl emitted from her throat. I froze. Crap, this is gonna get messy, Gwen grimaced. I already feel weak from all the energy loss. Blood loss, energy loss, get it? ...no? Fine.

Clover's piercing eyes kept their gaze on me, anticipating my next move. Okay, before this fight starts, keep the fear bottled up, check. Do not kill her, she's still my friend, check. Keep Gwen in check in case she gets fed up and actually kills her, check. Do not, ever, use demon powers on her, check. I took a deep breath as I let my gaze land on her firmly, almost forcefully. Clover took a step back, obviously intimated by my leveled and strong gaze. I slipped my clothes off, my eyes never leaving hers. Piece by piece of my clothing landed on the ground. Gwen, control yourself, she's still our friend, her wolf is just controlling her right now, I warned. I know, She reassured. I nodded and soon, bones were cracking into place and my unique maroon fur grew on my tan skin, leaving not an inch without fur. Adding a little purple, my eyes turned into an indigo piercing colour. I dropped on all four with Gwen in control.

Clover snarled at the sight of my wolf form. She pounced on me and I dodged. Gwen kept dodging, scared that we'll hurt her if we actually attack. But being a white wolf has it perks, she is much lighter and faster than usual wolves. She leaped at me and snapped her jaws, making pain to shoot and blood to leak from a new wound she inflicted on my hind leg. It recovered almost immediately and I could feel Gwen going impatient. Gwen... I warned. I know, no killing friends, she grumbled and I stuck my tongue out at her. Just dodge her attacks, she only lasted this long because she is a white wolf, she'll tire herself soon, even with the energy you gave her, Drew reminded and I could feel Gwen agree.

Clover continued to leap around and try to injure me, making good use of her white wolf abilities. But I still could feel my energy draining. Guess I shouldn't have gave her so much energy, I muttered. No shit, Gwen panted. We've been leaping around for 20 to 30 minutes. I'm so tired... Gwen grumbled. Hold on Gwen, I warned. Gwen furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I took back control of my body so suddenly and unexpected that Gwen had no time to stop me. I took a deep breath and rammed my head to her side with all the demon energy left in my body. She flew across the clearing and hit a tree. Then, and only then, the fight ended. Finally, Gwen panted. You gave her more energy than I thought, Drew huffed. I shifted back and slipped my clothes back.


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