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My Step Sister And I: Pregnant For Me novel Chapter 33

*Randy Pov*

My breakfast was totally ruined with what Vicky just did. Blackmailing me like that...

I went to my room and brought out my briefcase. It contained all my credit cards. I took one and left the room. Vicky was waiting at the living room.

"Randy, let's go now so we can go to the amusement park before it gets crowded" she whined like a baby.

I rolled my eyes and we left the house. We got to the mall and I 'opened' the door for her which is something I don't usually do. Just to please the pregnant pepper.

I walked some distance away from her As we entered the mall.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked and she squealed like a baby.

"Let's buy shoes first" she said going to the clothing section.

I followed her like a sheep cause I hardly go to the mall. I don't know a thing about this place, it's the maids that run errands for me.

She starts to grab jeans and leggings which I assume are going to be very tight on her.

Is she taking them to make me mad or what?

"How can you wear those when you're pregnant? Won't it...affect the baby somehow??" I stuttered trying not to sound like I care.

"Then help me select better ones that wont hurt our baby. " she air quoted.

I grabbed the trousers she was holding and threw them to the floor.

"Try something like this" I said taking a big jean from the hanger.

She gasped.


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