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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364 

The Charlie family and their genetic warriors, the Reaper Guild, and their superwarriors… Suddenly, Nash felt the pressure on him multiply. 

Anton continued, “The Reaper Guild doesn’t just have superwarriors; they also have werewolves, angels, and vampires. Overall, it’s an organization of supernaturals established by the West to target Drakonia’s cultivation world to destroy it!” 

“Why choose me?” Nash asked dumbfoundedly. 

The Reaper Guild was likely one of the top forces in the West. They 

even had angels! 

“Because you have dragon blood in you. Only those with dragon blood can wield the Nine Dragons Sword! Anton took out a pack of cheap cigarettes from his pocket, lit one after opening it, and took a puff 

“The Reaper Guild wants to kill you. To deal with the Reaper Guild, you must use the Nine Dragons Sword and the Celestial Dragon Battalion. You’ll be helping yourself and defending the country!” 

Nash sighed. His hand made a grasping motion in the air, and the red document fell into his hand. He opened it and found the job 

information as well as both the Sovereign and capital city’s seal 

printed on it. 

Seeing Nash accept the Nine Dragons Sword and the certificate, 

Anton breathed a sigh of relief. 

“The authority held by the squadron leader is substantial. You can exercise the same power as a general, apart from mobilizing the 

drops of the four warzones. You can even reward your subordinates 

and confertities! 

Ofis was deeply regretful at this moment. If he had known that Nash 

would achieve what he had today, he would never have fled the battle 

Bitbuck then. 

on the surtace, the Celestial Dragon Squadron looked similar to the 

National Wartial Bureau. However, Nash had the Nine Dragons Sword. 

The Nine Dragons Sword possessed the authority to execute both 

roval relatives and corrupt officials. 

Owning the Nime Dragons Sword was equivalent to being above the 

avaitonal Wartial Bureau. 

aash put away the documents and asked in a deep voice, “Is there no 

one in free squadron now?” 

Antonchikderanti dialed a number on his phone. “Come in,” he said. 

Matast breathed auton of relief. At least he was not alone witha 

spod Brorly after, there was a knack on the door. 

Caiss took the imitative to open the door, knowing he had the lov 

maturere hom opened, revealing two women in camouflag 

Lowwemmt the same tregim and physique their similarities seen 

en her textures time difference was that one of them had a 

ok tinereyes white the other wore a frosty expression. 

5/2/the piton boy atentarain and saluted. ‘Greetings, 

red at Serantauvonward, you two are 

members of the Celestial Dragon Squadron. This is your commander.” 

The two women were slightly surprised but quickly regained their composure and saluted Nash, “Greetings, Commander.” 

Nash sized up the two individuals before him and noted both having recently reached the level of great-grandmasters in their cultivation. 

The woman with the livelier gaze blinked her large eyes curiously, 

seemingly intrigued by Nash. She wondered how someone so young 

could become commander and figured he had to be exceptionally 


On the other hand, the woman with a frosty demeanor just sneered 

internally, believing Nash had only risen to his position through his 

connection with the Warden of the Northern Territory. 

“Introduce yourselves,” Anton said. 

“I’m Euria Finelo. I’m 23 years old this year, and I specialize in combat 


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