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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 207

Chapter 207 

Harrison noticed the look in Lauren’s eyes and waved a hand in front of her. “What are you looking at?” 

Lauren returned to her senses and chuckled. “Nothing. I just think this ring is really well- crafted!” 

Harrison smiled. “I can get one made for you if you like it so much!” 

Lauren pursed her lips. “We should head to bed. Hubert wants to meet us tomorrow, have no idea what he wants. We should rest up so we have the energy to deal with him!” She headed toward the doors after finishing her sentence. 

“Mom, didn’t you say you wanted to go to bed? Why are you heading out?” 

Hera asked, confused. 

and we 

“I don’t sleep well in unfamiliar places. I won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep if I spend the night in this new mansion!” 

Lauren did not even turn around when she replied. 

Harrison immediately understood what Lauren meant, and smiled. “I should head back too… You two don’t stay up too late!” 

Hera was stunned. “Do unfamiliar places affect your sleep quality too, Dad?” 

Harrison chuckled. “I can only fall asleep if I’m hugging your mom…” 

He swiftly turned and headed off after finishing his sentence. 

Maria untied her apron. “Mr. Calcraft, Ms. Hera, it’s time for me to get off work as well…” 

Nash and Hera were the only two people left in the mansion. 

Nash returned to the second-floor bedroom with the three items. 

Hera went to take a shower after getting herself some pajamas. 

Nash took a picture of the hieroglyphs on the papyrus and sent them to Theo. 

Theo replied, “Wow, what a refined hobby you have, Nash. Since when were you into hieroglyphs?” 

Nash replied, “Get someone to translate this!” 

Although night had already fallen… 

Theo immediately contacted several well-known professors who specialized in ancient writing systems. 

However, to prevent any secrets from accidentally being revealed, he only sent each of them pictures of a few of the hieroglyphs. 

When Hera finished her shower, she burrowed between her sheets and got ready for bed. 

She had been using work to numb the pain she felt. 

She had not taken even a single break for the entire time she spent working today. 

Hence, she drifted off into a deep sleep soon after getting into bed. 

Nash got into bed after he had also taken a shower and asked, “Hera, weren’t you curious about my skills? Do you want to try?” 


Hera let out a soft hum. 

Nash’s heart skipped a beat after hearing Hera’s response, and he immediately flipped her 


The corner of his mouth curved upward when he realized she was fast asleep. 

She had been talking in her sleep! 

Nash’s head drooped downward… 

When he finished adjusting the lights, he fell asleep while holding his girl in his arms. 

The next morning. 

Nash woke up early and went for a jog. 

When he returned, he saw Harrison and Lauren’s car parked outside. 

Maria had finished preparing breakfast by the time he entered the living room. 

Hera had also woken up, and she sat on the living room couch to talk to her 


“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis…” 

Nash bid them good morning politely. 


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