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My Sudden Rich Life novel Chapter 53

Dennis’ face turned white as a sheet. Wine alone had cost them two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

He only had one hundred thousand dollars in his bank account. Even if he split the bill with Trevor, it still would not be enough.

He could not afford it at all.

At the thought of this, Dennis grabbed Trevor’s shoulders and bellowed, “Are You Crazy?!”

“Ha-ha! I’m just worried that a bottle of wine won’t be enough for everyone. Why?Don’t you have money?” Trevor asked with a smug smile.

“Of course, I have money, but…”

Just as Dennis was about to say that they did not need to buy so many bottles of fine wines, Emilio chimed in, “How could Dennis have no money? He’s richer than

or could not help chuckling upon seeing that Dennis looked glum. “Dennis, you've been in the restroom for a long time. Was it because you didn't have enough money to pay the bill that you hid in the restroom and called your friends to lend you some money?” he asked in a condescending tone.

“Bullshit! I have enough money to pay for the bill!” Dennis interjected. He remained stubborn despite what was going on.

“How could Dennis be broke? Trevor, if I were you, I’d worry about myself. For sure, you’ll be piss-poor after paying the bill,”

Sylvia retorted.

“Then pay the bill,” Trevor replied with a straight face. He then turned to the waiter and asked, “Waiter, how much is the total?”


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