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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 77

Kyra POV:

After a short nap, we walked over to my parent’s house to meet back with everyone.I warned Blaze before our arrival to be on his best behavior.I didn’t want him and my dad fighting again.

Though I’m sure mom was more than successful in getting through to dad on the matter.

As we walked through their front door, everyone was already there waiting in the living room for us, including my grandparents and Zayne.

Zayne jumped up from his seat and quickly walked over to us, pulling me into a tight hug before doing the same with Blaze, "I’m glad it’s finally official.Happy for the both of you."

I muttered thanks to him as I smiled.I know dad isn’t necessarily against Blaze being my mate; he’s just a bit overprotective of me.

"Well, no need to waste time,"

I stated as I clapped my hands together, getting everyone’s attention, "First, I want Devin dead."

I wasted no time getting to the most important thing to me.Everyone nodded their head in agreement, "We all agree that is the only suitable punishment," my grandpa started to say; he was quickly cut off by dad, though, "I want to be the one to do it.I know everyone wants to, but he has been taunting this family for far too long."

Frustration began to boil inside of me.

Blaze must have felt it as he laced our fingers together, "Deep breath,"he whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes and did as he said; to my surprise, it worked.I don’t think it was so much the deep breathing that helped but more Blaze himself.I stayed quiet as I thought about it.

Devin had put me through hell; he did things that are by far unforgivable.

My Grandpa Pollo, my best friend, died because of him.I wanted nothing more than to rip him apart piece by piece, but because of Devin, my mother lost her wolf.

She lost a large part of herself because of him.I understood where my dad was coming from, even though I felt it should be my place; deep down, I knew my dad needed to do this more than me.

He has always blamed himself for what happened.

"Agreed," I told my dad, knowing I had made the right choice as I watched the emotions run across his face.

He smiled at me as he gave me a quick nod.

"Now that’s settled, Kyra has decided it will be best if she takes her rightful place as the Queen,"

Blaze spoke up.Everyone in the room broke out in smiles, "You’re Grandpa Pollo will be so proud of you," my mom spoke through tears as she hugged me tightly.

I can only hope I make him proud.He was a good leader, a demanding leader, but a good one nonetheless; it will be hard to hold up his legacy.

"I’ll make the phone calls necessary," dad said proudly as he stood, "

Blaze, can I speak with you privately?"

Blaze gently leaned over, placing a kiss against the side of my head, "I'll be right back."

I narrowed my eyes at him, giving him a silent warning.As I turned to look at my dad, mom was already doing the same thing to him.

They shook their heads, letting out deep chuckles as they left the room and walked onto the front porch.Mom walked to the large window and pulled the curtains open, giving us the perfect view of the two.

Of course, they had noticed and smiled at us from the other side.

"He better be making things right," my mother told me as she crossed her arms across her chest, "I have already warned him of what will happen, or should I say will not happen if he doesn’t.He acted a fool, and even though I understand why, it’s not okay."

I loved how she had my back, even when it came to dad.It was funny how whipped he was; according to everyone, she’s had him this way since the day they met.

Zayne hollered from the kitchen, "I don’t think they need babysitters!"

All of us women scoffed at his remark, "Sure," we all mumbled in unison.

"You better not be getting into the food yet!" mom scolded as she took off to the kitchen.

Chapter 77: Part 2: Chapter 21 1


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