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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 113

Kathy smiled, “Mom, I’m glad that you're okay.”

“A few days ago I was really afraid, but I didn't want to worry you, I thought that it'd be okay after a few days, I never thought those calls got more and more excessive, furthermore, it seemed to mention your name too, so I reported it to the police right away.” Angela still got some lingering fear.

Since the house got broken in, until the phone call harassment now, all these years Angela hadn't offend any personal enemy, it could only be... because of Kathy.

Kathy's face sunken, could it be Peter?

Once Kathy thought of that, she felt chill spreading from her arms and legs.

He unexpectedly had become so scary.

She read the recent news, the Herbert’s group management was slowly getting better, but the CEO position was still empty at that time.

She continued reading, surprisingly it's a news about Herbert and Billy's engagement plan.

The rumors said that Hilton Group was planning to buy the Herbert’s group, while their marriage would undoubtedly be a marriage of convenience.

Angela also saw that, but she only knew Peter, “Whoa, this jerk got dumped?” said Angela with a surprise

“Peter couldn't save the Herbert’s group, it's totally understandable if the Herbert's family seeks for a better option.” Kathy's face seemed cold.

At first, she thought that she’d be happiest one if Peter and Herbert broke up.

But now she's very calm, it's just like reading some gossip.

“Kathy, you wouldn't be regretting it, right?”

Kathy smiled, “I won't, I was very lucky that I got dumped Peter at the first place.”

It made her see through his real face.

“Then that's good, you must hang on to Joseph, before, I was worried Joseph family's too rich, you'll feel wronged, but if he treats you well, and really likes you, I'll also feel at ease.”

“We get along quite well now.” Kathy's expression didn't look so natural.

She still brought the hair ornament Joseph just gave her in her bag, wondering if he’d be so generous to every other girl.

Kathy's just his contract wife, would he set his heart for her?


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