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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 116

“Daughter, what is he talking about?” Angela was confused.

“He’s talking nonsenses, now that he has nothing to lose he’s just biting around like a dog. I was so blind to fall in love with you back then.” Kathy’s tone was extremely cold, she dragged Angela and wanted to leave.

Saying one more word to Peter would be a waste of her precious time.

Peter was irritated and chased after them but he was stopped by the bodyguard. He narrowed his eyes, his hatred grew deeper and deeper.

At this time, his phone rang.

Peter picked up the phone and his face turned pale inch by inch, and finally revealing a look of despair.


Central Hospital.

Sammy stopped breathing on the way to the hospital, and when Peter rushed over, Sammy had already been sent to the morgue.

A fist was slammed on the wall, the bottom of Peter’s eyes turned red, “Why is my mom suddenly so ill?”

Seeing the passing by doctor, Peter grabbed his collar and questioned.

The doctor frowned, “According to Ms. Sammy’s body report, it’s because she was overdosed with sleeping pills.”

Sleeping pills…

It was true that Sammy was taking sleeping pills when she was living in the mental hospital before, but the medication was under doctor’s strict control.

Peter squinted and instructed the assistant behind her, “I want to know everything about my mother in the prison this month!”


“Mr. Champs, the financing for the new company is yet to be ready, if there is no more investor willing to invest, I’m afraid that the establishment of the company may be cancelled.”

Peter narrowed his eyes, hatred spread through his eyes, he coldly said, “Continue until you find new investors!”


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