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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 127

Kathy thought of Joseph shouldn’t have had his dinner, so she went to buy some food for him.

When she came back, she was carrying two takeaway meal boxes. When she reached the entrance, Jade had bought Joseph food as well.

“Dr. Joseph, it seems that I have done unnecessary move.” Jade put down the meal box and went out.

Kathy came in, and it was a little awkward.

The food Kathy bought for him was almost similar to the one she had bought…

She also seemed to know Joseph’s taste preference well…

“Mrs. Joseph, I’ll ask John to send you back first.” Joseph pinched his eyebrows when he saw Kathy coming in, he seemed like not planning to eat his dinner.

Kathy frowned and reminded him, “You haven’t rested for several days.”

“Mm, I have to settle things over here first.” Joseph said in a deep voice.

Kathy’s heart was aching, with her palm clenching, she handed him the meal box, “Remember to have your dinner.”

She then turned around and left, asking John to send her back to the hotel first.

“Does Joseph get into some kind of trouble?” Kathy couldn’t help but ask John when she got into the car.

Joseph was supposed to have finished his surgery, was there something wrong with the patient?

John didn’t know much about Joseph’s work at the hospital, he said embarrassedly, “Madam, I don’t know much about it.”

“I see.” Looking at the brightly lit hospital building, Kathy’s face grew worried.

Early in the morning, Jade and Raya were also in the office. The doctors from the brain department were questioning Joseph, they must explained everything as soon as possible, and they finally sorted everything out before dawn.

“Send this report out. Ollie Butler has repeated the same mistakes on his previous surgeries, but the after effect of the patients were not obvious before. And this time, it must not be ignored anymore.”

“Dr. Joseph, Ollie Butler’s working experience is fake as well, how did you find it out?”


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