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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 59

Kathy woke up three hours later. When she opened her eyes, the white flower ceiling was in sight.

She moved her finger and tried to sit up, but she found she had no strength and fell to the bed again.

"Kathy!" Alexia came in a hurry, turned on the light, and was relieved to see that Kathy was fine.

"I..." Kathy frowned, and the scene before the coma came to her mind. Her face sank annoyedly.

Did she make trouble?

"Don't talk anything. Let me hug you. Kathy, luckily, you are out of danger. Those chemicals are very toxic!" Alexia said and she cried.

Kathy patted her shoulder to comfort her. She was also scared at the time, but she remembered that someone rushed in to save her.

Was it Joseph?

But he was not here now.

"I'm sorry. Let you worry about me." Kathy murmured, and asked, "why you come here?"

"It was Johnson who informed me. I felt better, so I came to take over the job."

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and Joseph's slender figure came into her eyes.

Kathy raised her eyes, and his deep gaze made her a little chill.

His aura was already strong, and now his face was cold and his eyes were deep, which was even more terrifying.

Kathy's heart beat fast and her head lowered.

When Joseph came, Alexia didn’t want to disturb them, so she left.

Joseph put the lunch box down and stepped closer, confirming that Kathy was really awake before he was relieved.

"Kathy." He murmured. As soon as he approached, he lifted her face, and the hot kiss fell down, lingering and deep.

Kathy froze. It seemed that no matter how many times, she hadn't learned to kiss Joseph. He was always so overbearing that she could hardly resist.

"... Did you find me?" Kathy asked. She remembered that when she was rescued, she subconsciously thought it was him.

But the next second, the man's face sank, "It is Peter. Is he the man you hope to see?"

Joseph was a little jealous.

Kathy looked at Joseph 's sullen expression and suddenly smiled.

Was he jealous?

"I thought it was, and I hope it was, Joseph." She said it word by word.

Looking at his gaze, she thought he believed what she said.

"It’s my fault." He was sullen and his eyes flashed with annoyed emotions.

"I'm too stupid..." Kathy's cheeks were red and leaned against the man's chest.

She walked in the wrong place even when followed him.

"Stupid girl." Joseph kissed her again to stop Kathy's rebuttal.

Facing her eyes, the spoil of his eyes gradually revealed.

The doctor came over to check quickly. Kathy's condition was okay, but she had to be observed for a few more days.

But what about her job... Although Alexia came here, the team was already understaffed.

"Joseph, Help me with the discharge procedures." Kathy looked at him.

The man frowned. He knew clearly Kathy's thought, and said in a deep voice, "I won't allow you to work even if you are discharged from the hospital."

"It is my business." Kathy mumbled and was dissatisfied with Joseph's autocracy.

"Huh?" The man narrowed his eyes. "Whom you want to care about you?"

"This is my business."

"Now you are my wife." Joseph's voice was deeper.

Kathy pursed her lips, covered her head with the quilt, and ignored Joseph.

"Without my permission, you can only stay in the hospital obediently." Then the man left the ward.

It was so quiet. Kathy closed her eyes, and his breath seemed to linger.

After lunch, Kathy planned to leave the ward, but two bodyguards stood at the door.


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