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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 65

Joseph’s arms crossed over Kathy’s waist, Kathy shivered and her face was turned over by Joseph. A kiss landed on her lips.

The scenario was seen by the maids outside the kitchen. Kathy patted his chest and wanted to push him away.

Joseph didn’t give a damn, he even pushed her against the wall, kissing her deeper and deeper.

Kathy was panting, staring at him angrily.

Joseph was pleased by her cute reaction and he then helped her to serve the food.

“Kathy, I heard from Joseph that you grew up with your mother?” Mathew asked her kindly.

Kathy’s face was still blushing, she nodded, “My parents divorced when I was young. I’ve been staying with my mother all these years.”

“You’ve married with Joseph for quite some time. It’s time for the elders of the two families to meet up. Don’t you think so?” Mathew looked at Joseph.

Joseph’s face was cold.

“I’ll make arrangement.” Joseph said in a cold tone.

Kathy frowned. She had only seen Joseph’s grandfather since they got married. How about his parents?

Kathy didn’t dare to ask as it was Joseph’s privacy.

At NCHV Medical Company.

Joseph was reading at the report submitted by his subordinate, his eyebrows knitted.

After awhile, Joanne came up.

“Mr. Johnson, although Kathy is still on leave, but this matter involved her, perhaps we should call her back and question about it?” Joanne said with a soft and gentle voice.

She was wearing a tight suit and her gorgeous body figure was attractive.

However, Johnson didn’t even give her a glance.

“You go out first”

“Johnson, you don’t believe in Kathy, don’t you?” Joanne frowned and got closer.

“I have my own decision regarding this matter. Get out.” Johnson was impatient.

Joanne zipped her mouth, but the rumours of Kathy leaking confidential documents had spread within NCHV.

Kathy immediately rushed back after receiving a call from the company.

Kathy walked all the way to the top floor, she had an ominous feeling.

“Kathy, are you in charge of this project?” Johnson handed her a document.

Kathy read it carefully and nodded.

“The proposal was leaked and used by our competitors.” Johnson said in a cold tone.

Kathy raised her eyes, and her face turned pale.

This was the marketing plan to promote the new drugs of NCHV for the coming season. The entire department had worked for one month for it. It would be too late even they redo the proposal.

“I didn’t do anything that harmed the company’s interests.” Kathy said it calmly.

“You’ll be suspended during the investigation period.” Johnson said.

“I understand.”

Alexia rushed over her when she came out from the President’s office. “Kathy!”

“I’m temporarily suspended.” Kathy frowned.

Everything happened today was too much of a surprise for her.

Alexia sighed, “How did this happen? Johnson received a complaint letter early in the morning, and all the evidences were clearly directed to you.”

“Perhaps someone had opened my computer before, probably was our company’s employees’ doing.” Kathy pondered.

“Your computer had been taken away for inspection.”

Alexia’s face sank, “Do you think it could be Joanne?”

Joanne was always in bad terms with Kathy.

“I believe that Johnson will look into it, don’t make assumption first.”

Alexia didn’t take her words serious, she then walked into Johnson’s office.

“Mr. Johnson, Kathy is innocent.” Alexia looked at Johnson.

Johnson raised his head.” When did I give you permission to come in without even knocking the door?”

The secretary was then scolded, “Do you need me to teach you how to inform before letting people in?”


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