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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife novel Chapter 1

“My dear sis, Remy is with me now. Room 6009, you know where we are... Welcome to check on us.”

Freya Stahler stared at the message from Alisha Stahler, her half-sister from a different mother. She felt as if a sharp dagger had been stabbed into her heart. She felt so bad after the call.

A photo was attached at the end of the message, in which her boyfriend, Remy Byrne, was holding Alisha tightly.

Obviously enough, the man who promised her to treat her well all his life had hooked up with her sister.

Freya decided to ask Remy. She loved him so much, but why he had done such a thing to her?

The door of the hotel room wasn’t locked. As soon as Freya entered, she received another message. “Dear sis, I’ve found you a man. I hope you’ll like him.”

Freya didn’t understand what Alisha meant, but immediately a man pressed her on the door like a wolf.

He wasn’t Remy.

Freya was overwhelmed by the life-threatening breath. She couldn’t escape at all.

She realized that she had been set up by Alisha. This man must have been hired by her.

With trembling hands, she pulled out her purse. “Please let me go. I’ll give you the money. I can give all the money I have to you.”

The man seemed not to hear her voice. He pressed her tightly.

Finally, she failed to escape.

Tears dropped from her eyes...

In the end, the man let go of her. She collapsed on the bed weakly and had no energy to talk at all.

The man got off the bed, picked up the suit jacket from the ground, and put it on. His every movement was superior, elegant, and restrained as if he wasn’t the monster-like man from the last night.

He turned on the lamp on the nightstand, trying to look at the woman who had saved him. However, as soon as he reached his hand out, there were footsteps outside the door.

The man frowned. Bloodthirst coldness surged through his intense eyes. He thought those people who had set him up came to him, so he quickly took off the ring from his thumb, put it on Freya’s finger, rushed to the balcony, and hopped off. He acted like a cheetah. All his actions were without any hesitation.

Freya lay on the bed stiffly as if she was a soulless doll. She couldn’t believe her virginity had been lost in this way.


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