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My Three Darlings by Anonymous novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The next morning, Eliza was woken up by the butler.

The butler looked like a nice and kind gentleman. They met each other yesterday.

At this moment, the butler was standing in front of her with a set of clothes in his hand. He asked, “Mrs. Valentine, why are you sleeping on the couch?”

“You should get prepared. The employees from the City Hall will be here any minute now!”

Eliza rubbed her forehead. Since she didn’t sleep well last night, her head felt heavy.

She frowned and looked at the butler with a confused expression, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure!”

The butler smiled at her as he said, “Congratulations on passing the test. Mr. Valentine has decided to marry you. From now on, you are officially his wife.”

Almost instantly, Eliza came back to her senses.

Everything seemed to happen too fast.

She looked at the butler in shock as she asked, “Are you sure that he wants to marry me?”

Eliza thought about yesterday. She literally ran away when she saw his terrifying appearance.

Why did Mr. Valentine reach this decision?

“Yes, I am sure. Mr. Valentine thought about it seriously before reaching this decision.”

Eliza was speechless.

She didn’t think he thought it through at all.

They only met each other for a while yesterday. His decision was unbelievably hasty!

Nonetheless, it was still good news to Eliza.

She could finally fulfill the Lawson family’s request.

Although Mr. Valentine was a disfigured man, she was still happy to have a place she called home.

Since Esme returned to the Lawson family five years ago, that place wasn’t her home anymore.

After she changed into formal attire, the employees from the City Hall arrived.

They asked Eliza to stand in the living room for a photo shoot, and then let her sign the agreement for marriage. Under the guidance of the butler, she walked upstairs.

After they went back downstairs, the employees presented Eliza with a marriage certificate. “Congratulations! You are now Mrs. Valentine.”

One of the female employees held Eliza’s hand with an envious look. “You are so lucky to be married to such a handsome man.”

Eliza twitched her lips.

“A very handsome husband…?” she thought to herself.

Out of curiosity, she flipped open the marriage certificate.

Female: Eliza Lawson.

Male: Beau Valentine.

Only Eliza’s face was attached to the photo column.

She let out a long sigh of relief. She felt grateful because Mr. Valentine didn’t attach his photo to the column.

If he did, Eliza wouldn’t have the guts to look at that document for the rest of her life.

“Mrs. Valentine, you should prepare yourself.”

The butler smiled from ear to ear as he said, “You’ll spend the night with Mr. Valentine today. I hope you are ready to welcome him as your new husband.”

“There will be only you and Mr. Valentine in the house today.”

Eliza didn’t know what to say.

When she heard the butler’s words, she felt depressed instantly.

She remembered the night she saw Mr. Valentine. When his hands touched her arm, it felt slimy and disgusting.

She said with a pale complexion, “Do I really have to spend the night with him?”

It was just too sudden. She wasn’t mentally prepared to face him again.

The butler nodded seriously as he said, “Yes, you don’t have a choice.”

“They are already a married couple. It’ll be weird if she still doesn’t know her husband’s actual appearance,” the butler thought.

It took him a lot of effort to convince Beau to let Eliza see his true face.

Eliza felt hopeless and despair.

After breakfast, she hid in her room. Then, she texted her best friend, Graciana Ryan, “Can you recommend some horror movies to me? I want to build my courage before facing that man. Thanks!”

Graciana replied, “You do know you sound ridiculous, right?”

After that, Graciana flooded her mailbox with all sorts of horror movies.

Eliza wrapped herself in her blankets as she binged on the horror movies for the entire day. As a result, she went to the bathroom and puked because of the jump scares.

When night fell, Eliza thought she was already immune to all the scary things in the world.


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