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My Three Darlings by Anonymous novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Eliza was amazed by Jay’s shamelessness. She shot him a half-hearted smile. “But don’t you think I’m tarnished?” Jay’s eyes lit up at how mild of a reaction he received from Eliza. “I used to think you were filthy. “But now, I have Madeleine, who’s clean and pure by my side. Should you choose to stay by my side, I guess I could put up with you.” After saying that, he gave Eliza a lecherous once over. “Frankly speaking, you have a much better figure and appearance compared to Madeleine. “It’s just too bad that…” Eliza felt so repulsed by Jay’s words. But still, she looked up and shot him a smile. “Well, it isn’t entirely impossible for me to be with you…

“However, I have a condition.” “Go ahead.” She gave him a coy smile. “Get out of the car and I will tell you.” Jay immediately got out of the car and strode gracefully over to Eliza’s side. “Go ahead. “I will meet your condition as long as it is within my ability.” “I won’t ask for much. All I ask is that you…” All of a sudden, a glint flashed in her eyes as she lifted her knee in one swift motion and kneed him in the groin. “Ow!”

In a split second, the great actor Jay Carr let out a deafening scream and slumped weakly to the ground as he covered his groin with both hands. “I will be with you the day you become a eunuch.” Eliza looked down at Jay and gave him a fierce glare before she turned around and strode away haughtily.

“Pfftt!” A distance away from Parson Media, Matthew was so shocked that he spat out all the water he had just drunk. “I had really thought that Aunt Eliza was enjoying a moment with her ex-lover.” Then, he looked into the rearview mirror and glanced at the man in the backseat, who was busying himself with work. “Uncle Beau, I guess you can rest assured now? “All those rumors going around online are rubbish!”   The gloomy atmosphere in the car finally eased up. Beau’s well-defined profile was cold and elegant. “Catch up with her, Noah.” Noah wiped the cold sweat from his brows. “Okay.” “Stand right there, Eliza Lawson!” Jay clambered into the car with much difficulty, clutching onto the spot where Eliza had kneed him. He clenched his jaws and barked out an order to his driver, “Catch her!” Without a moment of hesitation, the driver sped up in an attempt to catch up with Eliza. She ran for her life.

Jay’s driver was also his part-time bodyguard! There was no chance Eliza was going to stay there a moment longer! Alas, how could she outrun a car? Jay’s driver soon caught up with her. Just as he opened the door to grab Eliza, a black Maserati pulled up beside Eliza. The window of the passenger seat was lowered, and Matthew’s face appeared. He called out to her, “Get in!” Eliza hurriedly rushed over, opened the door to the back seat, and hopped on. But Jay wasn’t about to let her off so easily. He angrily grabbed onto the backseat door. “Eliza Lawson! Get down here!” Eliza stuck her tongue out at him through the window. “Come at me if you can.” Jay glared at her and said, “You better apologize right now. “Otherwise, you’ll never get the chance to be with me anymore. Not even if you beg! “I can snuff you out from the entertainment industry as easily as I can snuff out an ant!” As soon as he said that, a hand reached out from behind Eliza and latched onto her shoulders, grabbing her possessively. The window was wound down and the deep, cold voice of a man rang out. “Is that so?” It was a dark evening and without a light in the car, Jay could not see the man’s face. But the man’s domineering aura was so palpable that he could feel it from outside the car. He stiffened up briefly. “Who are you?” Jay did not get an answer to his question. Instead, all he got was an indifferent chuckle. “Mark your words.” With that, the window was rolled back up, separating them from the world outside. The black Maserati sped away. Jay stood there in their dust, frowning in the direction the car left. ‘Who was that?’

‘Mr. Valentine?’

‘No way! “A psychopath like Mr. Valentine would never take Eliza as his wife seriously.’ ‘SO…’

Jay thought to himself. The black Maserati headed towards the Valentines’ villa after speeding off from Parson Media. “Aunt Eliza, do you need any help dealing with that person?” Matthew sat in the passenger seat scrolling through his phone as he said eagerly, “We saw him pestering you for such a long time. “Does he pester you as he did every day?”


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