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My Three Darlings by Anonymous novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47

“That’s right.”

Eliza nodded as she reached for more food. “Is anything the matter?”

“I’ll be heading there too.” “I’ll give you a lift there tomorrow.” The cold, aloof man picked up a morsel of food from her plate and sent it straight into his mouth. “I’ll take this for the fare.” Eliza was dumbfounded. “Goodness me! So what you are saying is that I will be going to Ertonphia in the same car as the legendary Mr. Valentine tomorrow?” Graciana went bananas after Eliza told her the news after dinner. “I had planned on traveling light, but I guess I’ll have to put on my most extravagant outfits now!” Eliza sat by a large window and sneaked a glance at Beau, who was a distance away, out of the corner of her eyes. At that moment, he was leaning against the headboards, reading a book. The bed lamp lit up one side of his face, highlighting his sharp profile and further accentuating his charming features.

Eliza pressed her lips together tightly. Then, she answered in a hushed voice, “Don’t go overboard…” “I’m not going overboard!” Graciana rolled her eyes and said, “Eliza, I’m your best friend. And this is my first time meeting Mr. Valentine. I need to leave a good impression on him! “Otherwise, he might be under the impression that you only have nasty people like Madeleine and Jay around you!” At the mention of Jay and Madeleine, Eliza’s mood inexplicably became downcast. The conversation ended after a few half-hearted responses from Eliza. Then, she turned off her phone and went to bed. “You don’t look very happy.”

Beau put his book down calmly and turned off the lights in the room. “Yes, I feel very unhappy.” A single bedside lamp remained lit in the room, which was very dim. Eliza stared up at the ceiling. “Madeleine is pregnant.” “So?”

She closed her eyes. “Madeleine came to me again this afternoon. “I think you are right. They behave so unscrupulously toward me because I gave them the impression that I was weak and easily bullied.” “I want to become stronger. I want them to pay for what they have done…” She heaved a long sigh. “But Madeleine is pregnant now.” She had lost a child herself, five years ago. She knew very well the pain of losing a child. And she knew even better how cruel it was to lose an unborn child. The child was innocent! Because she had been through the pain of it, Eliza could not find it in her to hurt an innocent life that had not even seen the light of day. “So what if she is pregnant?” Beau spoke softly. But his voice was emotionless. “If they don’t treasure their child… Why should you go easy on them?” “It’s their duty as parents to protect their child, not yours.” Eliza went silent for a long time after hearing his words. ‘It’s their duty as parents to protect their child.’ Those words lingered in her head for a long

time. After a while, she closed her eyes and silently clutched a corner of their quilt tightly. She was an incompetent mother. Five years ago, she had insisted on sending Jay off to the airport when she knew full well that her baby was due in a month. It was on that journey to the airport that she met with a traffic accident. The crash was terrible. It took the doctors an entire day and night in the operating theatre to save her. They hadn’t been able to keep the baby, and she had lost more than a month of her memory. Up until this day, she could still clearly recall her despair and the sense of helplessness that she felt when she learned that she had lost her child. Eliza had a dream that night. In the dream, a little girl who looked exactly like her stood in front of her and cried. “Why didn’t you protect me, Mommy? “Mommy, I miss you so much. Why didn’t you come to me? “How I wish to live with you, Mommy…” Her heart almost broke at the sight of the little girl’s tear-stained face.  And chase as she may, it seemed like she could never get closer to the little girl no matter how hard she tried. The little girl seemed so far away. But in the end, she managed to catch her. She held the little girl tightly in her arms and said, “It’s all my fault. I didn’t do a good job of protecting you… “Mommy.” “Mommy.”


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