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My Three Darlings by Anonymous novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Eliza told Roseane that she wanted to act in Raul’s movie as the female lead. She didn’t have many connections in the entertainment industry, but she didn’t want to rely on the influence of the Valentine family. After thinking about it, she could only choose to rely on her friend Roseane. “Eliza, do you really think I can talk to Raul?” Roseane chuckled helplessly on the other end of the phone. “Even if I’m the film queen, I’m just an actress.” “I may not be able to help you in this.” “However…” Roseane smiled faintly. “I can ask my friend if he can help.” “Thank you so much!” Standing on the balcony, Eliza looked at the endless sea outside and heaved a long sigh of relief. “I don’t need you to give me a back door either. I just want you to give me a fair chance to compete for the role. I won’t let Raul down.” “I understand.” Roseane thought for a while. “But Eliza, if you can really get the role in this movie, you will gain a firm foothold in the entertainment circle in the future.” “I heard that the leading male in Raul’s next movie is Julian Benton.” “Julian is handsome and a skilled actor. He’s cold and elegant. Some actresses fight to the death for a slim chance of getting to work with him…’ Hearing Roseane’s words, Eliza’s hand that was holding the phone paused slightly. Beau’s cold face from this morning appeared before her eyes. That man… “I’m not interested in Julian.” Eliza smiled and interrupted Roseane. “I just want to get this role.” She was not even interested in this movie. She just didn’t want to see Madeleine succeed. “Alright.” Roseane was not angered by Eliza’s interruption. “I’ll ask my friend now.” Thirty minutes after Eliza hung up the phone, Beau’s phone rang in the other room. The call was from Matthew. “I have something to ask of you.”

“Go ahead.” Beau was indifferent as he listened on the phone and used a cotton swab to apply the medicine to his injured shoulder. Last night, he had carried Eliza for too long. He didn’t even realize that, when he held her, the wound on his shoulder had reopened. When he removed the gauze, Beau saw how bad the wound had gotten, Noah, who was standing to the side, looked at the badly mangled wound on his boss’s shoulder and could not help but walk up to him. “Sir, why don’t I get a doctor to come over?” Beau looked up at him coldly. Noah hurriedly mumbled something in response. Beau continued talking to Matthew on the other end of the line. “She didn’t say why?”

“No.” On the other end of the line, Matthew said with a smile, “Aunt Eliza only told Roseane that she wanted this role.” “I just checked it out. My friend’s film company invested in this movie, so….” Matthew said in a happy voice, “Uncle, the pocket money that you gave me, is it…” “What’s the name of your friend’s film company?” After applying the medicine, Beau pressed the hands-free button and quickly bandaged his shoulder. “I’ll have Noah buy it.” Matthew was speechless Beau would rather buy a company than give him more pocket money! Was there anyone in this world more stingy than Beau? “Alright.” Matthew sighed helplessly and said in a low voice, “I’ve told my friend that there will be an audition for the female lead of this movie, and the judges are all just and strict.”

“It’s just…” Matthew pursed his lips lightly. “I was wondering if Aunt Eliza can really get this



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