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My Three Darlings by Anonymous novel Chapter 9


Instantly, Elizas face turned red from embarrassment

Her heart drummed against her chest and felt like it would leap out

Quickly, she turned her face away, not daring to look at him

It tastes good.” 

Beau lowered his head while enjoying his noodles. He said casually. The butler said you have something to say to me. What is it?” 

Only then did Eliza remember that she still had some important matters to discuss with him

Mr. Valentine.Eliza looked up and stared at him seriously. Before our marriage, I didn‘t know you have a pair of twir sons.” 

Beau raised his eyebrows and said, Before our marriage. I didnt know that you would finish all my expensive wine because of your exboyfriend.

Eliza was speechless

She remembered the dream from last night

In the dream, they were fooling around in the bathtub..

Maybe that wasnt a dream after all

She bit her lip. Its wrong of me to drink your wine, but didnt you take advantage of me that night as well?” 

Lets call it even!” 

Beau raised his head and stared into her eyes while saying, Do you think having a bath with you is worth 5.48 million?” 


The phone in Elizas hands fell onto the ground

The wine she drank yesterday was worth 5.48 million? It tasted unbelievably disgusting

She turned pale instantly. After a while, she smiled and said, Are those...” 

Theyre all limited edition.” 

Beau sounded indifferent as he said, Its not something ordinary people can afford.” 

Eliza didn‘t know what to say 

However, she talked back, Even though I finished your expensive wine yesterday. you did take advantage of me while we were in the bathtub yesterday!” 

Beau raised his eyebrows

He stopped eating and said sarcastically, Why dont you tell me what we did last night?” 

When Eliza thought about last night..

Her complexion turned red instantly

She struggled to stand up as she said. Youve gone too far!Just what did I do?” 



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18:17 Beau shot her an intense gaze, and she felt goosebumps all over her body

Just what did you remember last night, huh?” 

His voice was too enchanting. Eliza didnt dare to look at his face anymore. She quickly turned around and swallowed back her words

If I remember correctly, we just got married yesterday.” 

Beaus low and hoarse voice reflected his indifference. Whatever I did to you is legal.” 

Elizas face was burning hot

It took her a while to regain her composure as she replied, What do you want then?” 

I dont have 5.48 million dollars.” 

She only had 548 dollars with her.

I want you to focus on being my wife.” 

He said with a soft tone, And you should focus on performing your duties as the childrens stepmother as 


Eliza bit her lips. But...” 

I dont think Im mature enough to take care of the children.” 

Im afraid I cant take care of them.” Eliza wanted to make it clear to Beau tonight no matter what. It doesnt matter.” 

They are mature enough to take good care of you.

Eliza did not know what to say to that

Of course, if you still want to make it up to me,” 

The moment Beau set his gaze at her back, the image of her slender figure lying in the bathtub last night flashed across his mind

He said with an intoxicated tone, You can also pay me back with your body.” 

What does he mean by that?Eliza thought

Again, her complexion flushed red as a tomato

She ran upstairs, returned to the bedroom, and closed the door in a jiffy! – 

His words kept echoing in her ears

We just got married.Whatever I did to you is legal.” 

Suddenly, Beaus heavy footsteps echoed from the hallway outside

He seemed to be coming straight to her room

Eliza bit her lips tightly as she listened to her heart pounding against her chest

In the bathtub last night, she still remembered the way he fondled her in the bathtub. The sensual, moaning sound she made was still stuck in her mind

Even though some of the rumors were false, some of them were undeniably true

Rumor had it that he killed two of his fiancés



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18:17 Listening to the approaching footsteps, Eliza forced her eyes shut

Ever since she was sexually assaulted five years ago, she felt reluctant to engage in any sexual contact with men

Due to her condition, she couldnt kiss Jay, even they had dated for so many years

Even though Jay said that Eliza was mentally unstable, he still refused to give her money to see a psychiatrist. All these years, she had to overcome her fears and insecurities by herself. No matter how hard she tried, she still couldnt overcome her fear of men. The sound of footsteps stopped at her door

Eliza trembled profusely

Then, it passed her bedroom and continued towards the end of the hallway. At last, he opened the door at the end of the hallway and closed it

Then, there was dead silence

Eliza let out a sigh of relief


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