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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 10

Holding Henry's arm, Sylvia walked into the restaurant. Her appearance and beautiful figure attracted a lot of people's attention. However, Henry's beach pants and white vest made people sneer. Why did he wear this to such a high-end restaurant? Didn't he think it was improper?

After experienced a lot of things these years, Henry didn't care how others looked at him. He pushed open the heavy door of the restaurant and saw a luxurious space in front of him. The gorgeous crystal chandelier on the ceiling cast a faint light, making the restaurant look elegant and quiet.

The gentle music filled the entire restaurant, like an invisible smoke spreading, slowly occupying people's hearts, making people calm and happy. The beautiful flowers exuded bursts of fragrance, soothing people's tension. There were polite waiters and quiet guests, whispering and laughing from time to time. The environment was quiet and beautiful.

Looking at the decoration in the restaurant, Henry couldn't help nodding his head. Although it didn't show all the original French style, there had been some artistic conception. He could see that the owner of this restaurant put a lot of effort.

They attracted a lot of attention when they entered the door. Obviously, beautiful women were pleasing to the eye wherever they were. It seemed that the eyes of the people around them directly ignored Henry and put all of them on Sylvia. Sylvia had long been accustomed to this situation. She was not nervous at all and seemed to be very generous.

Henry glanced around and soon found the target. On the most conspicuous table in the restaurant, there were three men and a woman sitting there. Different from the rest of the people in the restaurant, the eyes of the three men and a woman were focused on him.

One of them, a man and a woman, about fifty years old. The man's square face was full of vicissitudes of life, which was a trace left by his age. Obviously, this man's experience in the first half of his life was not very smooth. Looking at the woman, she looked like a noblewoman with a pearl necklace hanging on her neck. She looked younger than her actual age.

Henry saw a young man in his twenties sitting next to the middle-aged man and woman. The young man wore a blue-collar shirt and was looking at him with a sinister smile.

Henry knew that this young man was Sam Zheng. The middle-aged man and woman were Sam's parents, Neil Zheng and Fiona Wong.

Nelson Lin, Sylvia's father, knew Henry. Nelson was a middle-aged man who looked very kind.

"Dad." Sylvia came to the table holding Henry's arm.

At the same time, Henry also called greeted him.

"Come and sit down!" Nelson greeted. "Henry, let me introduce you to Uncle Zheng and Auntie Wong. And this is Sam Zheng. You are about the same age. You should be more close to each other in the future."

"Forget it, Uncle Lin. Don't get too close to me. It's said that people who get close tend to look alike. I don't want to become like him." As soon as Nelson's voice fell, Sam Zheng, who had a malicious look on his face, spoke.

Upon hearing his son's words, Sam's parents not only did not reprimand him but also encouraged him.

"Sylvia, I heard that you are getting married. Is this the person you are going to marry?" Sam's face was full of disdain. "It seems that you don't have good taste."

"Sylvia, you are still a kid. How can you get married?" Fiona Wong also said, "Look at you, how can you find such a bumpkin to get married to? He is not even as good as my Sam. Get divorced quickly!"

Sam and Fiona were speaking directly, not caring about Henry's feelings.

"It seems that I don't need a few strangers to point fingers at me when I marry someone, right?" Sylvia said unhappily.


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