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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 115

"Mr. Zhang?" Kevin repeated these words with a suspicious look. He asked himself that he had always been careful and hadn't offended anyone. Where did Mr. Zhang come from?

"Mr. Zhang he was talking about should be me," Henry stood up from the pony and said. "I gave him this information. Kevin, what do you think? Is it enough? In the past eleven years, your corruption has reached a total of 16 million yuan. This money is enough to send you to prison for the rest of your life."

"Bullshit! I'm not corrupted!" Kevin roared and quickly explained. "Director Zheng, you should believe me. This is not true."

"It's impossible. My husband will never be corrupted. It must be this poor man who deliberately framed my husband!" Rose also spoke.

"Husband?" Director Zheng looked at Kevin strangely. "Kevin, as far as I know, your wife isn't her, is she?"

"We ..." Kevin smiled and didn't know how to explain. He turned his head and glared at Rose, cursing her in his heart.

Rose also realized that she had said something wrong. However, it had already come to this point. She simply made up her mind and said, "Kevin is indeed not my husband, but I love him. This is a matter between us. What I'm saying now is that someone is deliberately framing him!"

"Someone framed him?" Director Zheng smiled. "You mean, Mr. Zhang deliberately framed Kevin? What about his motive?"

"Of course, he's jealous! For someone like him, he's jealous of us for having money, jealous of us ..."

"What a joke!" Director Zheng shouted and interrupted Rose. "Mr. Zhang has been enthusiastic about the charity industry for so many years. The amount of his donation alone has reached tens of billions of dollars. He is jealous of you? He is deliberately framing Kevin? Now the evidence is clear. Kevin, what do you want to say? Go to the court and talk to the judge!"

Director Zheng's words were like a clap of thunder, which left both Kevin and Rose in a daze.

He donated tens of billions of dollars? The young man, dressed in ordinary clothes in front of him, donated tens of billions of dollars?

Rose opened her mouth wide and couldn't say anything.

Two police officers in uniforms came from the car. Without saying anything, they directly took out handcuffs and handcuffed Kevin.

Kevin's face turned pale. He was in this business, so he knew what it meant to donate tens of billions of dollars. Just his one word could affect the whole association. He was completely doomed this time.

What was funny was that he had just told him that this was a world of rich people. He even said that the person who donated money did not speak out. Why dare he do this as a cynical young man?

In the end, he was a clown!

Kevin looked at the handcuffs on his wrist that reflected the sunlight. It was a hot day, but he felt cold all over his body. The rest of his life was gone ...

Rose watched helplessly as Kevin was taken away, but she couldn't say a word. How could he, a poor man, donate billions of dollars?

When the two police officers escorted Kevin to the police car, Henry suddenly opened his mouth and pointed to Brother Tiger and others. "Police officers, take these people away together. Just now they threatened to attack Spring Residential Home. I think it's necessary for you to take them back and investigate them. And this woman, knowing that Kevin's money was all from corruption, she still enjoyed it at ease. She should be considered as criminal and should be sentenced together, shouldn't she?"

The two police officers looked at each other, nodded, and took out the walkie-talkie to call.


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