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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1273

Henry roughly understood the goal of the mission after scrolling through the short-haired woman's mobile phone.

The name of the bishop of the town's church was Gerlaich. In fact, he came from a background of warlords. Henry had seen too many of these things. He was not interested in anything between Nine Fatale and Gerlaich. After all, back when Henry was still in that business, he had killed too many people like them.

There were some records about Gerlaich's interests, but it was not of much help to Henry.

Henry learned about what had happened on the outside from the short- haired lady. Wanted posters of him were still hung all over the small town. He would definitely be recognised the moment he showed his face in the town. He was sure that there would definitely be someone from the Recluse Association in that town. In his current condition, a person at the stage of Qi-control could kill him.

"Let's observe the situation for now." Henry threw the handphone back to the short-haired lady.

The blonde-haired lady was badly injured, and the short-haired lady's shoulder had also sustained some injuries. They were clearly not fit enough to be immediately sent to carry out their mission, plus the target had already been alerted. Killing them had now become even harder. Even though the target would not leave the town for the time being, the security of his location would definitely be tightened. As a warlord, Gerlaich's was extremely experienced in anti- reconnaissance. Finding an opportunity to snipe at him from afar was extremely difficul.

After a moment of rest, the short- haired lady tidied up the blood-stained gauze in the room. When they had burned up the medical waste, the short- haired lady said to Henry, "It's dangerous here. According to the information I obtained, the people from this town will conduct a massive search to capture you in the following two days. I suggest you hide underground."

The short-haired lady led Henry to the kitchen and gently knocked on the wall a few times. Then, a soft click sounded from the stove. The short-haired lady opened the cupboard under the stove and a tunnel appeared before Henry.

"Let's go. The supplies stocked up in there are enough for us to survive for quite a while."

The short-haired lady took the lead in getting into the cupboard and went down the tunnel.

"It looks like this is your safe house, but the Nine Fatale always had a rule to have a safe house in every town to ensure that its members could save themselves to the greatest extent." Henry walked into the tunnel, the entrance was very dark and narrow, after descending dozens of steps, a hall appeared before Henry.

The entire hall had an area of more of than 60 square meters, with several single beds made of wood against the wall. Some drinking water and canned food were piled up in the corner like a hill. These supplies were enough for a single person to survive in there for a few months.

The facilities of the safe house were not as advanced as shown in the movies, that even showed to have all kinds of guns and ammunition. This safe house was mainly used as a hiding place, too much metal would increase the chances of being exposed. The canned food in there all came in the form of glass bottles.

After the three of them arrived there, they chose their respective beds and began resting.

As he lay on the bed, Henry had been thinking about the incident between the Recluse Association and the Alvin League. The current situation had gradually become clearer, but this situation brought only chaos to the entire World of Qi-practitioners, and Radiant Island was trapped in this vortex of chaos.

"Our Captain has come with reinforcements to back us up." The short-haired lady jumped up from her bed. "I'll go welcome them and check on the situation outside."

After saying that, she left the underground bunker.

Time went by slowly, and a burst of fatigue hit Henry. He was still very weak, and needed to rest for long hours every day.

Just as Henry began spacing out, he heard soft moans of pain. The tone of the moans sounded very low, and could be easily associated with a different activity. Those moans came from another bed.

Henry got out of his bed and walked to the direction of the sound. He saw that the blond beauty was tossing and turning on the bed. Her body was flushed, and her forehead was beaded with sweat.

"What's the matter?" Henry frowned. "What's wrong with you?"


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