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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1320

"The inheritance of Antiquity Country is on the other side of this gate," The man said, "No one knows what is inside, and no one ever opened the gate before. But it seems that if we want to get out, opening this gate is the only option."

The man looked up. They were hundreds of meters below the surface. Above the ground, there were hundreds of meters high of the ruin of the mountain. Within hundreds of meters of rocks and gravels, there was this mysterious metal that could make people unable to use Qi. Without Qi, people would die of hunger or thirst before they could dig themselves out of the ruin.

While Henry and the man were observing the gate, they heard a sound coming from the ruin.

A couple of rocks were moved, and Gardiner crawled out, covering in the dust. He was panting.

"I'm exhausted." Gardiner crawled out and sat on the ground, panting. He put a cigarette in his mouth but didn't light it.

Henry looked at Gardiner and asked, "Why are you in such a mess?"

"Shut up," Gardiner rolled his eyes, Tm at the bottom. You know how many rocks I just


"Why didn't you just use Qi?" Henry asked.

"Qi?" Gardiner was surprised. The corner of his mouth twitched, "I...I can use Qi now?"

"Of course," Henry rolled his eyes.

Gardiner sat on the ground in silence, pouting. He looked toward the doorway to Heaven.

The man walked toward and gate. He cut a strange symbol on his palm. The man then used Qi to dry the blood. He pushed the hand onto the gate.

The blood-red symbol appeared on the gate.


With a huge noise, the gate started to shake.

The man said, "My clan has studied the gate for hundreds of years. We wouldn't stop trying until we find the way."

Looking at the gate shaking, the man was excited, "I have to succeed this time. I have the blood of many different clans, and some of my ancestors are the descendent of gods. I can definitely open this gate and help my clan regain its glory!"

The man was confident, but the gate didn't open as he wished. After a wave of volatile shaking, the gate went back motionless.

"Why?" The man's eyes widened. He pushed his bloodied hand again.

Nothing happened to the gate except the shaking.

"It's impossible! It's impossible!" The man was panicked, "Why? It's impossible!"

"You just knocked. Are you waiting for someone to open the gate for you? Can you open it yourself?" Gardiner complained. He walked over and pushed the gate casually.

"Creak," The doorway of Heaven was pushed open by Gardiner.

Gardiner was shocked, so did Henry and the man.

"It's... " Looking at the opened gate, Gardiner wasn't sure what he just did.

Henry patted Gardiner on the shoulder and said teasingly, "It seems that you are the kid chosen by God."


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