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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1338

Mount Kunlun was always covered in mysteries. There were many legends about the area deep into the mountain.

But no one knew what it really looked like there.

"Alright, Ranulfo, I'll keep my promise. I am also wondering if those so-called saviors can still hold their positions after the civilization of the earth's core knows the existence of the civilization of the earth's crust. Haha," the tiger- headed creature laughed loudly. It then let out a long howl toward the skies.

The entire Mount Kunlun shook.

"Ranulfo, you're crazy!" Dougal roared, "We all know the existence of the civilization of the earth's core and what will happen when the two civilizations collide. Do you want to destroy the whole world?"

"No," Ranulfo shook his head, "I just want to make the world stronger. How many great people have emerged throughout history? But with the development of modern technology, people have forgotten about the improvement of their own abilities. They have put all their focus on the outer source. A species that neglect their own power will be eliminated eventually. In legends, capable people in ancient times could chase the sun. I want the world to restore its past glory!"

"That's only a legend!" Dougal shouted.

"Haha," Ranulfo chuckled, "How can you know its authenticity before even test it?"

"Ranulfo," Gervais frowned, "Are you naive enough to believe that you can stay alive after the collision of the two civilizations? So you think a deal with an evil spirit can save your life? Spirits from the civilization of the earth's core have been suppressed for so long. You of all people should know how powerful they are."

Ranulfo shook his head, "The Lord has woken up. Before the civilization of the earth's core emerges, I will change this world."

Ranulfo looked toward the direction of Xin Province. At this moment, a beam of red light shot up into the sky and disappeared.

Seeing it, Gervais was stunned. He said, "Ranulfo, did you wake it?"

"Yes," Ranulfo nodded, "Everyone, I hope that you can survive after the civilization of the earth's core takes over this world. When the time comes, I'll give you chances to serve me. Haha!"

Within his laughters, Ranulfo flew into the sky.

At the same time, the huge experiment monsters rushed toward Silas and the others.

The ground was shaking more and more violently.

The mountain was collapsing, and a square of white light appeared in the sky. It was hundreds of meters on all sides. The square was coming down to the ground.

The tiger-headed creature screamed in excitement and jumped into the light square.

A few seconds later, Mount Kunlun went quiet. In the ruins of the mountain, there were many remains of the experiment monsters. Their bodies were cut up when the light square closed during their entrance into it.

Silas and the others were nowhere to be seen.

In Xi Province's desert.


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