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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1491

In the depths of Hengshan, Henry, Wade, Ranjeet and the others were seated in a room with fine food and wine on the table.

The Seven Protectors sipped at their drinks with Henry while they stared at Ranjeet with amazement as they watched him wolf down the food on the table.

"Brother, is he the new king of competitive eating of Radiant Island?" Wade was a little astonished. Shall we present him with the King's Ring?"

"Don't you do that!" Henry answered Wade's question very seriously.

Everyone drank and chatted as if nothing had happened earlier. Those people back there had gotten a little restless, give them a few good knocks, and they would be obedient for a good long while.

All ten of them feasted until they were full and contented. The amount of dishes that had been served could have provided for four tables, Ranjeet basically devoured three tables' worth of food.

"Boss, my father has already hurried us four times. Let's go for now." Wade burped and said,

"Well drink again when things have been settled."

"Okay." Henry nodded. His biggest reason for journeying to Mountain Heng this time was to see the Elite Spirit Hall, which had been mentioned by the Aaron Bai Henry had never met before.

Henry was also very eager to find out what the legendary Core that Master Lu had lived in before was actually like.

Henry followed Wade and others to the depths of the Mountain Heng.

The mountain range of Mountain Heng was a place of desolation. The mountains were barren, and there was no sign of life. Even bandits would not choose such a place as their base.

However, no one knew that within this desolate and barren land hid the greatest treasure of the Core! The Elite Spirit Hall!

Aaron Bai stood at the foot of a mountain, watching Henry and others approach.

The moment Henry landed, more than ten Battle Spirits suddenly appeared behind Aaron. These War Spirits were ten meters tall and had strong auras, just as if they were gods descending to the world.

Aaron, who had always seemed relaxed, looked serious at that moment. He shouted the moment Henry touched the ground, "Henry Zhang, disciple of the Elite Elite Spirit Hall, kneel!"

Henry knelt down at the foot of the mountain without a second of hesitation.

Wade and the others, who were still joking around with each other a second ago, also turned serious at that moment. They stood by the side silently, not saying a word more.

After Henry got down on his knees, Aaron also did the same, and faced the mountain before him, and made three kowtows, then he said, "Disciple Aaron Bai, and the descendant of the Elite Spirit Hall, Henry Zhang, pays their respects to the ancestors!"

After Aaron had said that, Henry kowtowed three times as well.

At the same time, a four-coloured lotus suddenly drifted above Henry's head. The lotus was separated from Henry and floated towards the mountain in front of him, then slowly merged into the mountain.

At that moment, the entire mountain range emitted a faint earthy yellow light, the thin threads of light slowly reached at Henry, and soon covered Henry's body entirely.

Henry only felt a strange connection with the mountain in front of him, as if he could control it at will.

Henry raised one hand and softly said, "Up."


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