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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1506

The confrontation had already progressed to the verge of a showdown, both parties were ready to strike at any moment.

The Martial King gradually took hold of his emotions, not showing any sign of fear. "The Seven Protectors of Mountain Heng truly are fearless within the main city. I've long heard of your names, and if you wish to fight, I'd be happy to accept your challenges. However, now is not the time for that. I'll be sure to test out your powers at the meeting. If we fight right now, the civilians would be the ones suffering."

After the Martial King said that, his true spirit disappeared. He turned around and shouted at Hanno, "You should go back first."

Hanno, who was still kneel, was greatly relieved to hear that, and fled in a hurry.

The Martial King waved his hand at Wade and the others. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'll see you at the meeting. I hope you won't disappoint me when the time comes!"

After the Martial King had said that, he disappeared with a flash.

The tense atmosphere became calm instantly, which disappointed some who had gathered around for the excitement.

Wade's also had a look of disappointment on his face. He obviously did not expect the Martial King to leave just like that. It was imaginable that the actions of the Martial King would definitely receive the criticism of others.

"This fella sure knows when to push forward and when to retreat." Moon Goddess looked at the slowly fading back of the Martial King. Her face showed disappointment.

Red Hair nodded. "Boss forced his kiss on sister-in-law in front of so many people, yet this Martial King, as her fiance, could still restrain himself. That just shows how strong his endurance is."

"People like this aren't easy to deal with." Henry shook his head slightly. From a certain point of view, the Martial King was more of challenge compared to Aureo.

Aureo was extremely confident and powerful, and exuded a sense of invincibility. He never hesitated to solve every problem he encountered with his fists. However, the Martial King was obviously very much different. He was a shrewd man, and was more inclined to solving his problems with other options other than through fighting.

"Boss, this Martial King is a coward. What should

we do next?" Wade looked at Henry.

"Just pretend that he didn't appear." Henry smiled and said. "Come on, let's pay the Zhang family a visit."

"The Zhang family?" Wade and the others were confused.

Future told Wade and the others about what had happened at the stall earlier.

Upon hearing what had happened, their eyes lit up, eager to get moving and even started to get impatient. They were a gang of restless people.

As a vassal of the Martial King, the Zhang family had a certain level of status in the main city. If they did not, Hanno's actions would not have been so showy.

The head of the Zhang family was also a Supremacy Master.

The Zhang family lived in a villa within the main city. Although it was not a huge property, spanning about 300 square meters, it was a symbol of status. One had to have a few aces up their sleeve in order to own such a villa in the main city.

Inside the villa of the Zhang Family, Hanno panted heavily as he poured himself glass after glass of water. His mouth felt dry and his heart was pounding violently. If it had not been for the sudden appearance of the Martial King, Hanno was certain that he would have already been a dead man. He had no doubts that Syl would dare to kill him, because in the eyes of the people of Wanshan District, there was nothing Syl Zhang would not dare to do!

The current head of the Zhang family was a man named Loyd Zhang, Hanno's father, an expert at the level of Supremacy Master. He was also the only Supremacy Master of the Zhang family, Hanno's father.


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