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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1510

Henry had a good night's sleep and woke up naturally the next morning.

After getting up from bed, he pulled opened the curtains and saw that Wade and his gang were standing in front of Sylvia's villa. Dozens of reporters were gathered in front of them, with cameras and all sorts of gadgets in their hands, constantly focused on them.

Henry walked out of the room to see that Plasedo was standing in the middle of the courtyard.

"Oh, you're finally awake, My Lord." Plasedo greeted respectfully after turning around when he heard sounds of movement behind him.

"What's going on?" Henry looked at Wade with a puzzled expression.

Plasedo answered with a smile, "Sir, your great accomplishment last night has been spread like wildfire. Many reporters have sneaked in today, Lord Bai and the others are getting the group of reporters to take a photo to serve as a memory."

"Memory? What memory?"

"Look at that banner." Plasedo pointed with an outstretched hand.

Henry then saw Wade pull up an extremely eyecatching banner with large words on it.

"Two more days before Syl moves in with the War Goddess."

Henry rolled his eyes. "Those guys, as if the scene was not huge enough!"

It was clear that Sylvia was not at home, and neither was Deputy Officer Zhou. Otherwise, Deputy Commander Zhou would have showed up at the scene furiously.

Henry's mouth curved into a smile. If they were going to play, they might as well aim higher. He said to Placedo, "Could you check where Sylvia is right now?"

"They are getting ready for the meeting that is happening soon. General Lin has gone to choose a formal dress." Plasedo quickly provided Henry with an accurate location. In that era, a person no longer seemed to have any privacy of their whereabouts, and that also applied to even the War Goddess. As long as they were within an area that had surveillance cameras, their location would be exposed.

About ten minutes later, Henry arrived at a shopping mall.

Sylvia was picking out suitable gowns in a lavishly decorated store, under the company of the Martial King. She was getting ready for the upcoming meeting. The expensive gowns hung all over the shop, each of which was expensive enough to turn away the ordinarily wealthy people.

Deputy Officer Zhou and the Martial King's men followed closely behind them.

"I think this one looks pretty good." Martial King gestured to a red gown. It looked decent and classy.

This gown was indeed very pretty, but Sylvia only took a glance at it, then looked away.

The Martial King did not notice Sylvia's gaze. He continued, "I think you'd look good in it. Why don't you go try it."

Upon hearing that, Sylvia, who was about to move away from the gown, stopped in her tracks and pointed at it.

The salesperson took it off the rack hurriedly. Just as she was about to hand it over to Sylvia, a large hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere and snatched the red gown that was about to be handed over to Sylvia.

The Martial King frowned, then turned to look at the person who had arrived so suddenly, then said through gritted teeth, "Syl Zhang!"

Everything Henry had done yesterday, from destroying the Photon Hotel, to loudly teasing Sylvia in the middle of the night, had greatly embarrassed the Martial King. The Martial King found himself unable to display a friendly expression at the sight of Henry.

Deputy Officer Zhou's eyes widened, she now detested feared seeing Sy I the most. "Zhang, you..."

Henry looked at the Martial King and said, "She doesn't like red, and that colour doesn't suit her."


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