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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1783

As the Divine Race cultivators watched the human cultivators bathed in pure energy, what remained in their hearts was nothing but envy. Compared to the human cultivators, they were just too pathetic, like children that no one wanted.

The human cultivators naturally noticed the predicament of the Divine Race cultivators. They looked proudly at the Divine Race cultivators, and their intentions were clear.

"We have the peerless Immortal King here. What does your Divine Race have?"


Nothing! This kind of provocative gaze was naturally noticed by the Divine Race cultivators, and they unconsciously looked in the direction of Dietmar.

When Dietmar saw the abundance of Qi in the Human Race, he had thought that something like this might happen. If the peerless Immortal King had to solve problems for the Human Race, he would have to solve problems for the Divine Race as well.

Dietmar was a Divine Master and was very powerful, but he wasn't able to create a Divine Bridge with the 3,000 Paths. He couldn't understand the restrictive spells here at all, but he saw clearly Henry's actions just now. Wasn't he just throwing some precious weapons? Come on, it wasn't like he didn't have any. Losing one or two was something he could afford! Dietmar walked forward with one step and arrived at the crater of the volcano.

At this moment, rich Spiritual Qi was blooming in four directions from the crater of the volcano, and there was only one direction in which the Qi was dull.

Dietmar only pondered for a moment, then took out a treasure and threw it in the direction of that dusky area.

After more than ten seconds, the dim direction also emitted a brilliance of energy, and the area where the Divine Race was located had also become rich and abundant.

The cultivators of the Divine Race were immediately overjoyed. When they were met with the mocking gaze, they immediately retaliated back triumphantly.

This time, if one looked at the golden brilliance on Dietmar's back again, he would realize it was much more dazzling.

Dietmar laughed loudly and said, "The descendants of the Divine Race, as long as I am here, you won't be worse than anyone else! There are some things that we can't have for the time being, because we don't have enough time. As long as we have the same amount of time, our Divine Race will again be at its peak!"

Dietmar's words sounded like encouragement but were actually expressing the dissatisfaction and resentment in his heart. He was implying that he was inferior to the Immortal King, but the latter was born earlier than him, so he had to give him some time. He was not afraid of the peerless Immortal King.

When Henry heard the words, he just smiled and did not speak.

30 minutes passed quickly while everyone was cultivating. When they found out that the Qi of the black mountain had disappeared and everything became black again, they were a little flustered.

"Don't panic."

Henry said. He waved his hand, took out another four treasures, and threw them into the volcano. After more than ten seconds, the Qi was once again abundant.

Seeing this scene, Dietmar had a bad feeling in his heart.

And just after the change occurred on the Human race's side, the Divine Race also underwent the change.

Dietmar copied Henry's movement and threw in another treasure. Once again, the Divine Race's Qi was abundant.

Some human cultivators did not understand the changes in this place and said respectfully, "Senior Immortal King, what's going on with this Heavenly Altar? Why does the Qi sometimes disappear?"


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