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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1817

A strong ambition also meant a strong confidence.

The capabilities of this Divine Cloud expert were extremely terrifying. There was a supreme will hidden within his Divine Shore that would bring others to their knees to show their respects. A single ring of the bell calmed the chaos within the entire space.

In the face of Henry's Chaotic Sword of Annihilation, the Divine Cloud expert waved his hand and a golden statue appeared. Just as Henry's sword that was filled with chaotic power was about to touch the statue, it dissipated instantly.

Henry could clearly feel that the power of chaos had been assimilated! The Divine Cloud expert could already see the fog, and once he parted the clouds, he would be able to step into the stage of the Divine Sky. Experts of that level all mastered some sort of divine power, which was a creation of their own Divine Shore, no one had the same powers.

Although Henry had the 333- meter maximum Divine Shore, the time he spent on his Divine Shore was still too short. His divine power was still not created yet, and at that moment, facing a Divine Cloud expert was considered a huge challenge for Henry.

However, Henry was confident that once his divine power had been unleashed, he would no longer have anything to fear for the Divine Cloud expert. When that happens, he would even be able to fight against the Divine Race, and this time, the Body of the Fallen Angel would bring him that great opportunity.

Henry took a deep breath as he faced the Divine Cloud expert. Although the Chaotic Sword of Annihilation was terribly powerful, it was just pure power, there was no depth within in it, and even if it was formed through the power of chaos, it alone was not enough to defeat a Divine Cloud expert that had mastered his divine power.

However, what Henry had was not just the power of chaos.

The chaotic Divine Sea rolled, and the black figure of the dragon had wrapped itself completely around those enormous wings. It was not just a battle, it was a battle for luck. Those enormous wings were a manifestation of Eimphia's luck. At that moment, the black dragon shadow was fighting for it! The so-called luck meant too much. If a person had enough of it, they might even be blessed by the heavens, making things much easier forthem.

Take Henry for example. He took full control of the 3,000 paths in less than two years, while for countless years, the Severity Tribe had been unable to do so. Although Henry's talent had been undeniably essential, what was most important was what Fidello had left behind for Henry. Fidello made a great wish for all men to live in peace and equality, and also tried to replace the old rules with a new set of rules for the world, resulting in responses from the heavens and earth. He gifted the responses to Henry, which was on of the Heaven's Luck.

It was because of these responses that Henry could master the 3,000 Paths to gain more luck, it was basically a snowball effect. Henry ended up as the lucky one.

At that moment, if Henry's Black Dragon Range could take away the luck of the Fallen Angel, Henry would be able to experience a great leap in power, making him unstoppable! The way he saw it, that was a land of treasure, providing him with absolute opportunity.

The luck within the world was limited, and was controlled by the Severity Tribe. It was easier said than done if one wanted to find or steal it.

So how could Henry possibly give up such a great opportunity?

"Purple Moon!"

Henry roared, and a crescent moon condensed behind him.

"It's you!"

When the Divine Cloud expert saw that iconic Purple Moon, he immediately thought of Henry. They had been targeting him for a long time, so how could they not know that iconic move of his?


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