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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 216


Regarding this word, in Henry's consciousness, there was only one definition - hunting down the enemy. About chasing a woman, to be honest, Henry had no experience.

After returning to his room, Henry took out his mobile phone and called Wade. The first thing he did was to inquire about how Wade handled the matter. If Troy dared to insult Sylvia, it would be impossible for Henry to let him go.

"Don't worry, boss. That guy is crying bitterly and regretting it," Wade replied.

"Okay." Henry nodded. "By the way, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter, boss?"

"How do you chase a girl?"

"Chase... a girl?" Wade's voice was full of weirdness.

Through the phone, Henry could figure out what kind of expression Wade was now.

"Cut the crap. Tell me now."

"Boss, you didn't really chase a girl, did you?"

Henry asked in reply, "Of course. Would I ask you if I've chased?"

Wade thought, "It's true. Wherever the boss goes, he would be chased. The princess of the French royal family and a woman that belonged to Swiss royalty, both beautiful women, the princesses of big families, were all chasing my boss. I have never seen a woman who was chased by my boss."

Henry saw that Wade kept silent for a long time on the phone. He said anxiously, "What are you thinking, kid? Tell me now!"

Wade hesitated for a long time and spat out two words, "Impress her with money!"

Through the phone, Henry gave Wade a thumbs-up and hung up. He knew that Wade could do nothing.

However, the word "money" also reminded Henry. Henry really realized that he had not given Sylvia any gifts.

Thinking of this, Henry made a phone call.

On the morning of the next day, because she did not have to go to work, Sylvia didn't get up very early. She didn't go out until 10 o'clock and told Henry that she was going to deal with something. After finishing her work, she would contact Henry and ask him to get ready to leave.

They had already discussed what should they do on the way home last night. They decided to travel alone by car. They could stop wherever they wanted as long as the scenery was good.

After Sylvia went out, Henry, like a houseman, was ready to go to the supermarket to buy some goods for the trip. As for what to buy, Henry was so clear that he went to the largest market in Yinzhou.

After turning for half an hour, Henry suddenly found that there was a noise at the entrance of the market.

Henry walked over curiously, but before he could see what was happening, he heard a burst of abuse.

"I tell you, if you don't pay the money today, you can't leave! Run! Let me see you run!"

"Do you think that we are a charity? If you say that you won't return our money, we should just be okay with it?"

This wave of curses caused the surrounding onlookers to speak up one after another.

"Hey, she looks like a pretty little girl, why wouldn't she pay back the money?"

"That's right. People nowadays don't know each other's intentions. Haven't you heard that this girl owes others 100,000 yuan?"

"100,000! How could she owe that much? It can't be usury, can it?"

"That's for sure. Otherwise, why would she owe so much? Why would she be forced to pay the money back? The people here are too generous. They can't make so much money, but still spent a lot."


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