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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 24

At the Police Station in Yinzhou City.

Henry leaned against an interrogation chair. The dazzling incandescent lamp hit his face, so he could only squint his eyes and look around. In front of him, there was an interrogation table, surrounded by cold and dark walls, without any anger. If ordinary people stayed here, they would be extremely fearful.


The iron door of the interrogation room was pushed open from the outside, and there were footsteps.

Henry squinted and saw that the woman was the policewoman he saw in the alley just now. He didn't observe her carefully before, but now he had time to look her up and down. The woman had a straight face and a straight body when she walked. Obviously, she had been well trained. The woman was 1.7 meters tall. Maybe because of the training, her figure was particularly good. The police uniform she wore in summer showed her exquisite S-shaped figure perfectly. When she walked, she was kind of pretty.

The woman's figure was very standard, tilted, and flat, which should be the perfect shape created by years of fitness.

Henry noticed the words on the policewoman's left chest, "the criminal investigation team", and the name on the other side was Helen Han.

"Sh*t, she does live up to her name!" Henry curled his lips. He observed Helen's right hand. There were some calluses on her thumb and index finger. Apparently, she was a woman who often played with guns. Such a woman had nothing to do with gentleness.

As expected, Helen kicked hard on Henry's calf as soon as she walked to him. "Tell me, which clan are you from? Who is your boss? He deliberately trained you, so that six people's arms were broken and they had inner bleeding, which is enough to punish you for several years. If you are honest, you can still strive to reduce the sentence."

She gently pulled out a bench and sat opposite Henry. Her eyes full of disgust.

"Beauty, you are a policeman. Everything needs evidence. I didn't beat anyone. Don't slander me." Henry explained with a wronged look on his face.

"Oh! Slander?" The policewoman raised her eyebrows. "Do you want to tell me that you just stand there while somebody else broke their hands?"

"Yes!" Henry nodded vigorously. "That's it. I really just stood there."

"Nonsense!" Helen slapped on the interrogation table. "I'll give you one last chance to explain. Otherwise, I promise that you won't live well before you go to prison!"


At the Ministry of State Security in the capital.

The Ministry of State Security was in charge of all the police in China. Those who could get an official job from the Ministry of State Security would be more distinguished than the mayor if they went outside.

At this moment, in the office of the Minister of State Security, one phone was ringing crazily. The secretary answered the phone in a panic. She remembered that the Minister once said that only a few people in the world could call this number. All of them had a very high position in the world.

The secretary picked up the phone. Before she could say anything nice, she heard a woman's voice from the phone.

"Tell your minister that the man who is in the police station in Yinzhou City had to be released within 15 minutes."

After that, she hung up the phone.

The secretary did not dare to hesitate. She did not even know who the other party was talking about. She immediately contacted the minister. The minister of security was communicating with several foreign diplomatic groups. After receiving a phone call from the secretary, he did not even care about the diplomatic work.

"Hurry up, help me call Yinzhou City Police, immediately!"


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