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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 32

There was no elevator in the building, so the two walked upstairs. When they went upstairs, Jenny was still telling Henry about her teacher's deeds. For example, there used to be a specialized entrepreneur from Jingcheng City who asked the teacher about some business management problems, including many domestic magazines, and there were academic speeches published by teachers.

They stopped on the sixth floor of this residential building.

Jenny knocked on the old blue security door in front of her.

"Coming. Who is it?" A young male voice came from the door.

"Brother, it's me," Jenny answered with a smile on her face, but she was embarrassed to look at Henry. This feeling was like taking her other half to see her parents.

Henry obviously heard that after Jenny spoke, the people in the room obviously accelerated. When the security door was opened, Henry saw a handsome young man looking at Jenny with a happy face. His eyes were full of excitement and admiration. But when the young man saw him, the excitement in his eyes disappeared immediately, and even his face became much gloomy.

"Jenny, this is...?" The young man immediately asked Jenny about Henry, and his eyes were full of hostility.

"It's my friend, Henry." Jenny introduced him with a slightly red face, "Henry, this is my friend, also the teacher's son, Steve Kong."

"Hello." Henry took the initiative to reach out his hand to Steve.

"Hmmm." Steve rolled his eyes. Without looking at Henry's hand, he turned around with no interest and walked into the door. "Okay, come in."

Henry looked at the young man in front of him speechlessly. He didn't seem to have provoked him, did he?

Jenny smiled apologetically at Henry. Then she grabbed his wrist and walked into the house.

Henry saw that this room was not big, only more than 60 square meters, and the furniture was very old. There was no one else in the room except Steve.

"Brother, where is the teacher?" Jenny looked around the room confused.

"He went out to buy some food. He will come back soon." Steve gave Jenny a cup of tea. As for Henry, he was directly ignored.

Jenny calmly handed the cup of tea in front of her to Henry.

"By the way, Jenny, do you still remember the building we saw last time? I've studied a lot of materials recently, and I'm almost certain that the building will definitely be re-developed. The shops around are good choices for purchase." Steve took a tablet and sat down next to Jenny. He kept drawing on the computer with his fingers. "And the stock of 08275X is worth buying. The recent momentum is very good, and there will be a market."

"Let me see." Jenny took the tablet and glanced at it on the screen. Her eyes became happy and confused at the same time.

After watching for a while, she looked at Henry. "Henry, what do you think? This half-finished building has not been open for a year. There is a lot of news about re-developed recently, and this stock."

Henry glanced at the tablet, which recorded a lot of news, all kinds of information, and all kinds of speculation. All of them were written by Steve.

Henry only glanced at it and shook his head. "No, I have seen this half-finished building twice. It should be true that they want to develop it again. But even if the development is completed, the surrounding shops won't have any future development. If you buy it, you will wait at least three to five years to gain something. During this period, the money to buy the shop is more than the interest in the bank. As for this stock, it is a joke. As long as your money is invested for more than two days, it will be completely locked up."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Steve snorted unhappily. "The developer of that real estate is well-known across the country. There's also that stock. I've seen this kind of case many times when I was engaged in business research. It's highly possible that it's worth it."

Henry smiled. "If all the investment in this world can be carried out in accordance with the theories and examples in the books, everyone would be a billionaire."


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