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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 35

Soon, a middle-aged man in a suit ran over. Obviously, this middle-aged man knew Dan.

"Hello, President Fong. I'm the person in charge of this exhibition, Andy Zhang." Andy took the initiative to reach out his hand to Dan.

"Hello, I want to ask if this painting is authentic or a high imitation?" Dan pointed at the winter plum in front of him. In the painting, there was only one plum, which fell alone in the drawing paper, giving people a lonely and arrogant feeling.

"It's authentic." Andy answered without thinking, "This winter plum is the present of Master Yan of the Tang Dynasty. It has been passed down to today. We only showed it after we got the official identification result. It's indeed authentic. Mr. Fong, if you are interested, there will be a charity auction for this painting later."

" Authentic work?" Dan frowned.

Just then, a crisp voice sounded behind him.

"President Fong."

Dan followed the voice and said, "President Lin, what a coincidence. Are you here for an exhibition?"

When Dan spoke, he deliberately looked at Sylvia's formal suit.

"Let's talk about cooperation with President Fong." Sylvia stood in front of him and said directly.

Dan chuckled and said, "President Lin, I shouldn't talk about work at this time, but since your grandfather has done me a favor, I will make an exception. To be honest, your cooperation plan is not the best for everyone. You should understand that I am a businessman and I care about interests, not feelings. Unless you can come up with a better cooperation plan, I think we will cooperate next time."

Sylvia frowned. "President Fong, I believe you know the situation of our Lins Group. Although this plan will not bring you the biggest profit in a short time, in the long run..."

"Stop."Dan made a gesture. "President Lin, you know, I invested in short-term investment. I never see long-term interests."

"President Fong, I..." Sylvia was about to say something when she felt someone behind her pulling her. When she looked back, she saw her best friend, Milan, and Henry, who was beside her, also ran over.

"President Fong, let's talk later." Sylvia hurriedly said goodbye to Dan, then walked to Henry and whispered, "Why are you here?"

"I called him here. I say, Sylvia, you know that this Dan likes Chinese paintings, and your husband specializes in this aspect. Why don't you do what you like?"

"I!" Sylvia wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. She looked at Henry and then looked at Milan. She didn't know how to explain it. She couldn't tell Milan the truth, could she?

"Well, I think we should let Henry go to negotiate with Dan first. If he can talk with Dan, you can do whatever you want," Milan persuaded.

Sylvia subconsciously looked at Henry, only to see him walking toward Dan. Sylvia sighed. Henry knew nothing about painting. She knew clearly there was no use of him.

Henry walked to Dan, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the picture in front of him. "The winter plum of Master Yan of the Tang Dynasty? The ink color is a little light."

"Do you understand the paintings?" Dan heard Henry's voice and looked at it in surprise. In this exhibition, many famous paintings did not show their origins. Those who could tell the origin of the paintings at a glance were all people who knew how to draw.


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