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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 37

Dan looked at the young man on the stage. The moment he tore off the painting, he felt like a drowning man who was suddenly pulled ashore. He suddenly felt that everything had become beautiful.

At this moment, Dan suddenly understood the other party's intention. He stood up and looked at the stage. "You spend five million yuan to buy a replica, in order to make me feel more comfortable and cooperate with you?"

Henry extended a finger and said, "There are two points in total. You're right. I tore this painting to make you feel better. How uncomfortable it is for a person who is collecting paintings to be in a dilemma. I know it very well. I want to use this method to exchange for an opportunity for our cooperation."

A smile appeared on Dan's face. "You said there are two points. I'm right about the first point. What about the second point?"

Dan's mouth curved and his eyes were like torches. He stared at Dan and asked, "Who told you this painting is fake?"

"What! You!" Dan looked terrified.

Henry stepped out of the stage and stood in front of Dan. "The painting in my hand is an authentic one, and so is your one at home."

"Ha ha ha, what a big joke!" Ben Song, who was sitting not far from the ark, laughed out loud. "According to what you said, Master Yan of the Tang Dynasty drew two winter plum blossoms. Are they all passed down to now?"

Henry glared at Ben. "Don't be ignorant. It's ridiculous to be arrogant here."

Ben was stunned by Henry's words, and then his face was full of anger. As the son-in-law of the Lin family, how dare he call me?

"I'm ignorant? Well, I'd like to listen to you. How can I be ignorant? If you say that both paintings are authentic, then, aren't you ignorant?"

" Chinese art paper." Henry raised the torn paper of the painting in his hand. "People who understand traditional Chinese paintings of the Tang Dynasty all know that Chinese art paper was made of three layers: raw paper, processed paper, and semi-processed paper. These three layers can be separated. If we separate slowly, we can divide a piece into two parts. Master Yan, the master of traditional painting of the Tang Dynasty said that even if he divided a piece of paper into two parts, the painting he painted can be clearly seen on the second layer. If I am not wrong, the paper of your painting is more yellow but the ink is darker than this one here."

Dan thought for two seconds and nodded. "Yes, the Winter Plum in my house is darker than this one."

"That's because the one in your family is the first layer while this one is a second interlayer."

"You're pretending!" Ben snorted. "There are so many famous paintings in the world. This is the first time I've heard such a saying!"

"So you are ignorant." Henry glanced at Ben disdainfully. How could he not see that this person was talking nonsense?

"Bullshit! This is just an excuse for yourself! Mr. Fong, don't believe him!"

Dan looked confused. He did not know if he should trust Henry.

"Mr. Fong, Mr. Fong, you're really here. I hope I'm not late!" A slightly aged voice suddenly sounded.

Following the voice, the owner of the voice was an old man with gray hair.


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