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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 53

Upon hearing that their limbs would be broken, Ken Yang and Tim Jin both felt as if they could not stand up straight.

Tim said in a trembling voice, "You... Don't go too far. Do you know who Wade is? He is the son of the boss of Cheng's Group. If you hurt him, you will suffer a lot!"

"Cheng's Group? That third-rate enterprise?" The middle-aged woman smiled indifferently. "Boy, even if your father were standing here today, he could not leave unless kowtowing a few times. One minute has passed. Remember, this is your own choice. Destroy them!"

With a wave of the middle-aged woman's hand, dozens of men dressed in suits, walked over to Wade. They clenched their fists, and their knuckles made a sound. Hearing the sound, Tim and the others felt as if their own bones were broken.

At the entrance of the casino's bathroom, Henry was adjusting his pants and walked out. He saw that more than forty men in suits gathered in the hall.

"Gee." Henry found a sofa and sat down. "Someone is making trouble in the casino?"

As soon as he sat down, he heard Daisy's scream in the crowd.

Henry's face changed. He looked around and did not find Daisy. Without hesitation, he strode towards the place where the group of strong men in suits were.

This group of people crowded together, and Henry couldn't squeeze in for a while. Hearing Daisy's scream from time to time in the crowd, Henry was anxious and shouted.

"What the f**k are you doing? Stop it!"

This roar came from Henry's mouth, but it made people feel like thunder exploding in their ears, and their eardrums were painful.

This bustling crowd, because of Henry's roar, even subconsciously stopped because this roar was too imposing, just like the pressure of the superior to the inferior, which made people have to obey.

Seeing this, Henry breathed a sigh of relief. With both hands, he pushed away the strong men in front of him and rushed into the crowd.

Henry saw that Wade's two followers were lying on the ground. Their clothes were all stamped with footprints and their faces were also blue and purple. It was all black around the left eye of Wade, who must have been hit by a heavy punch.

Wade's two followers' girlfriends' clothes were ragged, and the clothes on their necks were torn. Daisy and the other two girls huddled together, and their clothes were wrinkled. Fortunately, the three girls guarded the key parts of their bodies so well that they were hardly taken advantage of.

Hearing the girls' sobbing, Henry was burning with anger.

Daisy and the other two girls seemed to feel that all the people around them had dispersed. They slowly looked up with tear stains on their faces. When Daisy saw Henry, she seemed to find someone to rely on. She cried and threw herself into Henry's arms and burst into tears.

Henry saw that Daisy's hair was in a mess, and her neat white T-shirt was also wrinkled.

Amy and Lam were in a similar condition, with wrinkles on their clothes.

"Hey, another meddlesome man?" The middle-aged woman smiled gently when she saw Henry.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Henry patted Daisy gently on the back as if he had not heard the middle-aged woman's words, trying to calm her down.

Perhaps it was Henry's appearance that made Daisy rely on him, and her sobbing was getting softer and softer.

"Daisy, tell me, who touched you just now?" his voice was very light as if he was afraid of startling Daisy.

Daisy slowly raised her head in Henry's arms. Her face was covered with tears, and there were teardrops on her long eyelashes.


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