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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 620

As soon as Barret spoke, many people turned their eyes to this side. Seeing Barret's reaction, some of Collier Security Company's employees, who had been doubtful about his words before, were shaken at this time. Since Barret could talk to President Jiang in this way, it proved that he would not stay in Collier Security Company any longer.

At this time, the voices of those who tried to recruit the people came out.

"Oh, isn't this President Jiang? Why is she treated like that by her employee? Is it that Collier Security Company has to get closed? If that's the case, why don't you people come to our company? The salary will definitely be higher than here."

"Guineay Security is recruiting people, and the salary and benefits are better."

"Superstitious Security Company is recruiting. If you are interested, come and fill in a form. The salary is negotiable."

The sound of the security company's recruiting came at the same time, which was to embarrass Anna deliberately.

"President Jiang, times have changed. Do you think this Collier Security Company is the same as before?" Barret sneered, rolled up the window, and stepped on the gas and left the company.

Anna took a deep breath, shook her head, and drove away slowly.

That middle-aged captain, who was standing at the entrance of the company and looking at the scene in front of him, frowned.

After leaving the company, Anna arranged a place for Henry to live. Then they found a place to eat and talk about tomorrow's grading. Henry also roughly understood what would they look for in tomorrow's grading.

Generally speaking, a unified test would be carried out in a few companies with the highest star level. The judges would be selected from several security companies, and also some of the officials would be assigned to be the judges. The judges' evaluations would determine the grading situation of the security company.

"In the past competitions, there were parts such as investigation, protection, hostage rescue, and free combat. This kind of skills and scores could not be faked most of the time. After all, the results were put there. It could be seen at a glance who did a better job. Generally, the scores of the theoretical tests could be faked." Anna said to Henry,

"But those tests are worth only three points."

Henry analyzed what Anna had just said, and then replied, "Okay, that practical part won't be difficult for me. But for the theoretical part, I haven't received any systematic training. If I have to answer any questions, I can only look at it from my own point of view."

"It is okay. Respond how you think you should." Anna said.

As for Henry, Anna was still confident. As long as the grading event was not too outrageous tomorrow, Henry should have no problem.

After chatting with Anna for about two hours, Henry left a contact number and went back to the hotel to rest.

For the whole night, Henry cleared the residue of Leo's Qi in his body again and finally returned to normal.


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