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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 64

Leopard roared, "Eli Tai, don't go too far!"

"Shut up!" Eli Tai picked up a chair and threw it at Leopard. "You don't have the right to speak here!"

Throwing out a chair and then straightening his clothes, Eli took a deep breath, "Phew, Thunder Monster, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. You decide what to do. Either you break your limbs, or I kill your daughter. Think about it yourself!"

"Okay." Thunder Monster didn't hesitate and nodded directly and decisively.

Thunder Monster knew very well that Eli could do everything as he said.

"Yes!" A look of approval appeared on Eli's face. "This is what a father should be like. Well, let's start your performance, but don't make it too bloody. I can't see such a bloody scene!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man standing beside him threw a dagger at Thunder Monster's feet. The dagger flashed with cold light and was extremely sharp.

Thunder Monster stared at the dagger for five seconds, then crouched down and picked it up.

"Big brother!" There was a flash of sympathy in Leopard's eyes.

"Eli Tai, I hope you'll do what you said. Don't deal with my daughter!" Thunder Monster said, gritting his teeth as he held the dagger in his hand.

"Of course, I'm a law-abiding citizen."

"Bro." Thunder Monster turned his head to look at Sneaky Viper who had remained silent all the time, "After going out, announce that Green Leaf will be dismissed. In the past two years, our brothers have made too many enemies with me.”

Viper nodded and still said no word.

Those who were familiar with Viper knew that the anger in his heart was rising to the extreme. But now, the situation had been firmly controlled by the Big Circle Society.

The present members of the Big Circle Society, together with the people of Black Thunder, could outclass Green Leaf.

Thunder Monster smiled and took a deep look at Helen. Then he raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed at his knee.

Green Leaf's members could not bear to see it, so they all closed their eyes.

“Enough!” A clear and loud shout rang out.

Thunder Monster's dagger, which was about to pierce his kneecap, stopped.

It could be seen that Helen's eyes were already red. She looked at Eli and said in a choked voice, "Hey, do you have to hurt all of us?"

Eli's face was full of the smile of victory. "Captain Han, look at what you're saying. Thunder Monster chose the road by himself. I didn't force him."

Helen looked at Thunder Monster for a few seconds, suddenly turned her head, looked in the direction of the second floor, and shouted, "Mr. Zhang, the man you brought is almost driving us to certain death. Are you still going to watch the show on the upstairs?"

Helen opened her mouth, which startled Eli a lot.

"There is someone else? Find him!"

"Don't look for me, I'll come out myself." Henry's voice sounded, and his figure gradually appeared in the stairway.

"It's him?" At the sight of Henry, Thunder Monster and the others all changed their faces.


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