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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 690

Before Doctor Ding finished writing the prescription, Henry grabbed the prescription and handed it to the patient. The speed was much faster than that of Doctor Ding.

On the side, the young male doctor saw what Henry did behind Dr. Ding. He couldn't help but ask Lewis, "Master Lewis, who is this person?"

With a smile on his face, Lewis said, "You should keep him in mind. If you work in the field of traditional Chinese medicine for the rest of your life, treat him as the milestone of your life."

When Lewis said this, his eyes were full of admiration.

"A milestone..." The young male doctor murmured these two words.

At the consultation desk, Dr. Ding took another look at Henry.

"Doctor Ding, you are a little tired. Let me do it." Henry gently patted Doctor Ding's shoulder.

"You?" Dr. Ding looked at Henry suspiciously. The patient just now had a very common disease. At the beginning of the consultation, she could see it at a glance and quickly give the prescription, but now she had been sitting here for a few hours, and she was too tired both physically and mentally.

Henry did not answer Dr. Ding. Instead, he said to the patient in the line in front of him, "Next."

The next patient was a middle-aged man. He was thin and his face was yellow. He covered his stomach with his hand and said in a weak voice, "Doctor, I haven't had a good meal for half a month. Some time ago, I had a stomach problem and some constipation. So I took some constipation medicine. As a result, my stomach began to swell and now I can't eat any food. I took a lot of medicine to help digestion during this period of time, but nothing worked."

Dr. Ding put her hand on the pulse of the patient. A minute later, she said to the assistant behind her, " Cassia twig 150 grams, liquorice 100 grams, herbaceous peony 300 grams, twelve jujubes, and ginger 150 grams."

After that, Dr. Ding said to the patient, "When you go back, cut the ginger into slices, take six liters of water, cook the medicine, boil it until becomes a paste, remove the residues and take it."

After hearing that, the patient nodded.

"Let's add another kind of medicine." Henry took the medicine from the medicine chest behind him without looking back. "100 grams of rheum officinale."

"Rheum officinale?" Dr. Ding turned to look at Henry with a frown and said, "My medicine has a herbaceous peony, and you want to add rheum officinal?! What do you mean?"

"Adding rheum officinale could indeed be harmful, but because of his symptoms, we must add rheum officinale. Your prescription can cure the warm Yang energy, but it's less probably that it will help the patient gain the strength. Add rheum officinale in order to control the sluggishness. The effect will be better."

"Nonsense!" Dr. Ding shouted angrily, "His disease belongs to the disease of Solar Syndrome. Because of the wrong medicine, his Yin and Yang were infected, and his spleen and Qi were stagnant and detained, so that he had abdominal pain and other symptoms!"

Henry shook his head and said, "Doctor Ding, that is why I said that you are too tired today. When the patient spoke, he had been rubbing his lower abdomen with his hands to relieve the pain. This means that the pain is not temporary, but constant, right?"

"Yes, yes." The patient nodded repeatedly. "I have been in pain all the time."


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