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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 73

The car was running on the way.

With a lazy posture, Milan leaned against the seat comfortably.

"Sylvia, I don't know how to scold you. Your husband has such a great medical skill, but you have been thinking it's just an ordinary massage all the time!"

Sylvia's beautiful eyes were full of grievances, "I didn't know how powerful he was."

"The physical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is the best treatment in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. In particular, Henry can greatly stimulate the acupuncture points only by massage. Ordinary people can't do that. But you just thought it was an ordinary massage and have him massage your feet. If those old doctors of Chinese medicine knew it, they would be angry at you!"

Sylvia blushed and murmured in her heart, "Henry, it's all your fault! You made me embarrassed here!"

Even though she was blaming him, Sylvia was still wondering how he could have done this. She must ask him. If he was as powerful as what Milan had said, he could be a doctor in any hospital.

Sylvia was driving when she received a phone call from her secretary, Cathy Lee. Cathy told her that the directors jointly proposed to hold a board meeting.

When Sylvia arrived at the conference hall of Lins Group, it was already full of people.

Sylvia's two cousins, Richard and Chaning were sitting in the top seats. All the major shareholders of the Lins Group had arrived. The chief lawyer stood in the center with a piece of paper in his hand.

Sylvia looked at the scene and chuckled, "All of you are here? Let's get started."

She went to the president's seat and sat down.

The board members looked at each other, and one of them took the lead to speak.

"According to the statistics, Lins Group's profit this month..."

Not far away from the highway of Yinzhou, there was a large industrial park. In the past two years, the business had been in a bad state. Many factories had been closed down, and only some abandoned machines were left in the factory. From time to time, some scavengers tore down almost all the things that could be demolished.

In a dilapidated factory, screams came from time to time.

Ben Song's upper body was bare and his legs were tied to a chain. He was hung in the air.

A handsome young man with sunglasses was lying leisurely on a wooden rocking chair. Looking at Ben, whose face was purple and hair was messy, he made a phone call, "Boss, what's wrong with him that you want to hang him to death?"

Henry was in the mall. While trying his suit, he picked up the phone, "He was trying to ruin my relationship with Sylvia. By the way, did you catch the photographer?"

"We've already sent someone to do it and will bring him here soon."

"Okay, hang him, too," Henry hung up the phone, with a pretty relaxed tone.

For Henry, he was not afraid of causing trouble, nor would he take the initiative to provoke others. However, anyone who dared to do something harmful to Sylvia would have to face his thunderous means.

Henry kept trying his suit in front of the mall counter. His strong figure matched his handsome appearance, which made the salesgirls feel shy.

"Okay, I'll have this one."

Henry looked at the suit and smiled with satisfaction. Although it was not as good as the one he wore when going to the Cheng family, and was not as delicate in details, Henry thought that it was impossible for him to wear clothes tailored by the top designer of the world when he went to work in the Lins.

Henry was going to work in Lins Group. It was the result of the discussion between him and Robert.

Henry felt happy when he thought that he would see Sylvia not only at home every day, but also at work.


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