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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1006

At the scene, Rong Bingshao was wearing a black jacket and sitting with his legs crossed.

'Hmph, Little Steele, just obediently get second or third place. The first place belongs to China. We will always be the overlords. How can I let the US get first place? But even though I made a half-complete product for you, this half-complete product is still much better than your current technology. You should be grateful to me!'

Rong Bingshao had handed over only part of his artificial intelligence research to the American Academy of Science. He was unwilling to hand over the completed version, which would produce an artificial intelligence system similar to Dr. T.

If not for the fact that he needed to use his status as an American hero to restrain Jordan, Rong Bingshao would not hand over even a single line of information.

Soon, a cute robot walked to the center of the stage. It was the artificial intelligence system "Little Steele" that Jordan had personally designed.

The audience cheered at the sight of Little Steele. After all, this was America's home ground. No matter how good or bad their artificial intelligence was, the applause would always be the loudest.

It was just like the basketball match between the US and China during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Even though the Chinese knew that the difference between the two teams was too wide and their team lagged by at least a few dozen points, the Chinese audience still cheered for their nation's basketball team with the greatest


However, when Rong Bingshao saw Little Steele, he leaned forward in surprise.

"That's not right. This isn't the one I designed."

The artificial intelligence robot that walked onto the stage was not the one designed by Rong Bingshao, but by Jordan.

Rong Bingshao looked at Yule. "Director Chancey, what happened? Why does 'Little Steele' look different?"

Yule replied perfunctorily, "Really? Little Steele has always looked like this."

Rong Bingshao was very puzzled. Actually, he hadn't been keeping an eye on this project for the past few days. Instead, he had been working on other technologies.

"Maybe they altered its appearance."

Rong Bingshao didn't pay much attention to it because it didn't matter what it looked like. The most important thing was the artificial intelligence technology inside it.

Little Steele picked up a fountain pen and wrote on a piece of paper.

Rong Bingshao was stunned. "How is it writing? The Little Steele I developed doesn't know how to write at all!"

Writing was a complicated action. It was not something that could be done casually.

Little Steele wrote on the paper: I can do everything that they can.

Barry White said, "Our country's artificial intelligence robot, Little Steele, wrote: 'I can do everything that they can'. This means that America knows all the artificial intelligence technologies from the other 19 countries!"

Director Callum said, "1 don't doubt that at all! Look, Little Steele personally wrote that line. It's not news that robots can write. Some can even write simultaneously with both hands. But to be able to write so beautifully like Little Steele is definitely rare! How did it do it! Does our artificial intelligence have such a strong learning ability?"

Barry White responded. "That's true. Look at the words. Such exquisite penmanship. I don't think ordinary people can even produce such penmanship without practicing for three to five years!"

Little Steele's writing ability shocked everyone in the industry. This indeed reflected its powerful learning ability!

Little Steele actually learned its penmanship from Seb Lester, a famous American hand lettering artist. Jordan had specially invited him to teach Little Steele penmanship.

In just a few days, Little Steele's penmanship had reached 70% to 80% of Seb Lester's.

If it was an ordinary human, he would probably have to study for seven to eight years to achieve that level of penmanship, but Little Steele only took a few days.

Little Steele was worried that some foreigners wouldn't understand English, so it wrote a Chinese version since the biggest contender was the Chinese contingent.

Its Chinese characters were also very beautiful. Jordan had invited celebrated Chinese calligraphy artist Tian

Yingzhang to teach Little Steele.


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