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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1026

Lived across from them!

Such a coincidence?

For some reason, Jordan did not feel happy after hearing Shaun's words. Instead, he felt very uneasy.

After all, Jordan had come for Shaun's family. They were his surveillance targets.

However, the Handley family was too terrifying. They had strange abilities that even Jordan could not do anything about. If anything, Jordan wanted to hide and monitor from a distance. It was a little unsettling to be so close.

Nevertheless, Jordan did not say anything. After all, he was a Deity. He could not let others see his fear.

Jordan and Lauren stayed in the house until eight in the evening.

At this moment, Jordan performed divination.

Perhaps some people would think that Jordan was already a Deity so why would he still use divination?

In fact, the two complemented each other. Divination could enhance Jordan's predictive visions. It was like a person who was already good at jumping. If he jumped on a trampoline, his jumps would become even higher.

As Jordan divined, Lauren stood at the side and took a few glances.

Lauren's grandfather was a master at divination so she knew a little about it.

Holding the cute and chubby white cat, Lauren said,

"The water and thunder symbols. This is an ominous divination result, right?"

Jordan sighed and nodded. "Yes, water and thunder on their own do not predict doom. But when presented together, it points to danger. Especially at the beginning. It will be filled with many challenges and dangers. It's very ominous divination!"

When Lauren heard Jordan's explanation, she rubbed her stomach worriedly.

"Hubby, can this divination result be about our child? Will our child be alright?"

Jordan quickly said, "No, this divination is referring to our mission. In the beginning, we will encounter trouble or even danger. Don't worry. With me around, our child will be fine."

Jordan was a Deity. Even if something happened to the child, he could predict it in advance.


Lauren opened the window and looked outside. It was already late. There was no light in the courtyard, and it was completely dark.

"This town is so quiet. Didn't we see many people going to hand over their grains during the day? Why isn't there any movement at night?" asked Lauren.

Jordan said, "This town is controlled by Shaun's family. I think they're the only ones in the entire place who know those spells. Shaun's father and uncle live opposite us. We're new here. I have a feeling that something will happen if we go out today. So we won't be going anywhere tonight. We'll stay in our house. Tomorrow morning, I'll find a way to make contact with Shaun's father."

Lauren nodded. If Jordan felt that it was dangerous, it must be dangerous.

After a while.

"It's so cold. Why is it so cold? Isn't it summer now?"

Lauren suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.

Jordan glanced at the courtyard and realized that a cold wind was blowing. It was a very ominous feeling.

"F*ck, it must be Shaun's family's doing!"

Jordan immediately turned on the microphone and asked Shaun, "A cold wind keeps blowing into our house, is it your father's doing?"


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