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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1070

Park Sora was able to join the Mutant Tribe not only because she came from a secret family with a noble status.

Before this, Randall had secretly sent Yumi to test her. Her result was the silver level. This result was already enough to defeat 99% of the people.

Most people could not make the color of the Immortal Water change. Even people at the green level like Yumi were rare.

In this world, only a few people were qualified to have extraordinary abilities.

Yumi pinched Park Bora's beautiful face and smiled. "When you become more powerful in the future, it'll be your turn to protect me."

"By the way, what kind of abilities do you hope to have?"

Park Sora thought for a moment and stretched out her slender hands. "I want to have a pair of indestructible hands! I want to be able to break the hardest thing in the world!"

Yumi laughed. "Haha, you want to break someone's neck?"

Park Sora said, "No, I want to castrate Jordan. His body has been injected with the serum so I can't hurt him now."

Yumi was speechless.

"Sora, why are you so hostile to Jordan? He's your brother after all." Park Sora snorted. "So what? He and Rowan never took care of me. I hate them! Rowan abandoned my mother while Jordan killed my mother. They all deserve to die!"

Yumi didn't say anything else. It was difficult for an outsider like her to completely empathize with Park Sora's bitterness.

Park Sora looked at the beautiful scenery outside the train and did not want to talk about such depressing things.

"Yumi, why do you say that Victoria is also a mutant? Has the Chief already tested her with the Immortal Water?"

Yumi nodded. "It's very likely. Actually, before your mother died, the Chief sent me to secretly test you. Over the past few years, Victoria has been the closest woman to Jordan. It's not a surprise if the Chief has already secretly tested her."

Park Sora was curious. "Then, what color do you think Auntie Victoria is?"

Yumi didn't like hearing Victoria being called "Auntie" as she was about the same age as her.

Yumi replied, "I'm guessing it's at least black! Purple is also possible!"

Park Sora was shocked. "How is that possible?! There are so few black-level mutants in our tribe, and only two purple ones! Our Chief is gold-level, right?"

Yumi nodded. "Yes, otherwise, how could he be the Chief? He's the only one who can turn Immortal Lake golden. He has the most powerful ability. He's the chosen one! That dogsh*t Shaun is not even worthy to be compared to our Chief!"

Park Sora added. "Yes, yes. I also think that the Chief is so domineering and powerful! If only my mother hadn't been killed by that baddie Jordan. If my mother met the Chief, she would definitely fall in love with him! The Chief is much more outstanding than Jordan! I'm a woman and I'd choose Chief too!"

Yumi smiled. "Little girl, don't even think about being our Chief's woman. We are not qualified at all. However, you can pray that my previous conjecture is true. If Jamie is really our Chief's son, then if you marry him, the Chief will become your father-in-law."

Park Sora giggled happily. "I have to get Jamie to do a paternity test as soon as possible, haha."

The two sisters chatted and laughed. Park Sora sent Yumi to her destination and parted ways with her.

"All the best, Elder Sister Yumi. Knock Shaun unconscious and kill him. You'll have done a meritorious deed!"

Park Sora cheered Yumi on.

However, they had no idea how powerful Shaun was. He had killed Rong Huangde and almost killed Jordan!


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